Saturday, April 18, 2020

Qualitative Research in Wilkes

It is not an easy task to find a place in order to observe people and try to understand their interests, needs, and plans. In Wilkes-Barre, there is a public square where people are occupied with a variety of thoughts and activities, and each period of time has its own characteristics and peculiarities.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Qualitative Research in Wilkes-Barre specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Even the days of the week may influence people’s mood and attitude to the reality. Observing one day from lives of the senior citizens in down town (it is Friday), it is possible to understand how unique and predictable the life of an ordinary person may be. A number of international students leave their hotel rooms and go to the college to meet their purposes and get the required education. Though not all of them are eager to start studying right now, they remember about their duties and their roles i n society, this is why it seems to be reasonable to buy a cup of coffee and drink it while walking to save time. In fact, there are many activities made by people which may be used to understand better social problems and challenges as well as human needs and interests. For example, it is clear that people are in need of more time in their lives. They have to hurry up days and nights to be in time at work or home. They find it normal to drink juice or coffee walking or have a quick lunch at the restaurants. Still, the importance of weather is huge indeed. It influences human mood and activities considerably. For example, when the weather is fine, people like to walk through the squire and enjoy the surroundings. They are eager to communicate and discuss the latest news. In spite of the fact that people have some obligations (to work, to study, to be a good husband/wife), all of them are ready to entertain and be an appropriate part of society. Social norms are usually considered by people as it is observed that even at the nighttime, police officers supervise other people and control the conditions at bars and at the streets. Each restaurant on the square aims at defining people into separate social groups: for example, elderly people are the visitors of the Irish bar, students find it interesting to go to the Hardware bar, and people from the high class enjoy the services offered in the Rodalonds bar. The vast majority of people are happy, and their happiness may be predetermined by different factors, still, the main point is that Friday is today, and tomorrow will be that cherished weekend when there is no necessity to think about working challenges and duties.Advertising Looking for assessment on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To understand better the essence of human life and the importance of socialization, it is better to communicate with people at the street and ask as many quest ions as possible to learn their interests and demands. For example, the following list of questions may be used to study the chosen group of people at the public square: What makes you visit the square right now? Is it a necessity? A task? A duty? A personal desire? Interest? What do you find the most captivating thing at this place? Do you have a chance to visit any place in the city? Why or why not? What do you think about people around? Do you think the square should be improved? What changes are necessary for this place? Are you satisfied with the living conditions you have? Of course, it is necessary to explain that all these questions are asked purposefully and will be used to understand better the needs of society and define the possibilities to improve the place. As a rule, people of this district are friendly indeed; this is why it is always interesting and pleasant to observe the events on the square. This assessment on Qualitative Research in Wilkes-Barre was written and submitted by user Veronica Alston to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.