Thursday, January 30, 2020
Interview Essay Essay Example for Free
Interview Essay Essay Anthony Bryant Jr. is a man who is willing to sacrifice his free time in order to chase his goals. He started out watching the p90x infomercial late one night because he had nothing else to do and just wanted to see what it was like. He began to ask around and see if anyone he knew had the program and if it gave the results that were promised. Luckily, he ran into an old friend who had recently lost the motivation to stick with the program, and asked if he could try it out for himself. â€Å"I thought it would be a breeze because its just a simple home workout,†he smirked. Little did he know, he was about to challenge himself harder than ever before. This was only the beginning of his journey to understand what dedication and commitment truly meant. A. J. decided that we should meet at his local gym which he attends daily. I got there a little early and decided to check out the environment. Inside was a sizable room filled with machines and equipment built strictly for strength training, half of which I didnt even know how to use. Out of nowhere, I heard â€Å"hey man whats up†from the front of the gym, I smiled and turned around to see Anthony walking through the door wearing a Grey cutoff shirt that said â€Å"pain is weakness leaving the body†and a pair of light blue basketball shorts. He is a rather tall, lean guy with short, black hair, weighing in at about 205 pounds. We started talking as he laid down on the bench to pump some iron. After the first three or four minutes, I asked if we could go somewhere else to talk because I could hardly hear him over the sound of the weights rattling against each other. He agreed that it was a bit too loud in the gym for an interview; we went outside and sat at a round table and I asked my first question. I began by asking what his typical day was like through the week. He said he starts his day by getting to the gym before the owner at five in the morning to do cardio. After an hour of cardio he goes home to make his first meal of the day, which is always protein pancakes. Then he picks up his backpack and heads off to school for the next 5 hours. As soon as he gets home from school, he hits the books to make sure he gets all of his work done and has nothing to stress about at the gym. When his training partner arrives they eat a quick meal before heading out to the weight room. They get there and start their average two hour workout, depending on the day: Monday – Chest ; biceps, Tuesday – Legs, Wednesday – rest day, Thursday – Back ; Traps, Friday – Shoulders, Saturday – Arms, and Sunday – rest day. Upon completing the strenuous exercises they return home for their last meal of the day and go their separate ways until the next session. By this time the only thing left to do is get a good nights rest to let their muscles recover for the next day. I could not understand how they did this every day without giving in to failure. Mr. Bryant told me that there were three objectives to keep in mind when choosing to embark on a fitness journey, to decide, commit, and succeed. I asked what each of these meant individually; he leaned back in the chair and said â€Å"boy lemme tell ya, deciding to better yourself is the easiest part, you simply determine whether or not you are willing to go the distance. Anyone can say theyre going to get in shape right after they take a bite of a twinkie. †That is when I realized he was very passionate about physical fitness. Obviously, deciding to become fit was the easiest step, my next question was which one was the hardest. He told me commitment was the most important part of the challenge to become fit, he looked at me and firmly stated that we should never make a plan B because it only distracts from plan A. He told me if someone was to fully decide and commit to working out then the success would come on its own. After hearing him say that, I felt like it was possible for anyone to achieve what he has with the correct guidance. I asked him if he ever thought about personal training or motivational speaking. He nodded his head and laughed, until he saw that I was serious. Responding with, â€Å" not really, I mean I just planned on attending and hopefully winning competitions, I never thought I could be a help to others in achieving their own goals. †A. J. asked if I thought he would be a good inspiration to keep other people motivated and challenge themselves. I reassured him saying, â€Å"you have done this for so long now that it has become second nature to you, I am sure you would have no problem assisting people who need your help. †After the interview was over, I thanked him for giving me his time. he got up anxiously and simply walked back into the gym he has so long loved. I sat there in awe, at how a person can be so dedicated to improving his physique. Anthony Bryant went from watching infomercials of P90X to making the gym his second home. This is a man that has changed my view about what hard work actually means, and was only the beginning of my journey to understand the meaning of dedication and commitment.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The Inevitability of Suffering in James Baldwins Sonnys Blues Essays
The Inevitability of Suffering in James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues Everyone likes to feel safe. We try to protect ourselves and those we love, to make them feel safe as well. The idea conveyed about safety in James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues" is that there is no such thing. The narrator of this story had thought that his brother Sonny was safe. Or at least, that was what he had made himself believe. "I told myself that Sonny was wild, but he wasn't crazy. And he'd always been a good boy, he hadn't ever turned hard or evil or disrespectful, the way kids can, so quick, so quick, especially in Harlem. I didn't want to believe that I'd ever see my brother going down, coming to nothing, all that light in his face gone out, in the condition I'd already seen so many others" (48). But Sonny hadn't been safe from drugs, or the streets, or any of the things his brother had been sure he was immune to. He had been arrested for using and peddling heroin. Sonny's friend, the boy we meet later, had thought the same thing as Sonny's brother had. " 'I thought Sonny was a smart boy...too smart to get hung'" (49). But they were both wrong. It had been Sonny's brother's responsibility to look out for Sonny from the time Sonny was born. "When he started to walk, he walked from our mother straight to me. I caught him just before he fell when he took the first steps he ever took in this world" (52). The narrator of the story is Sonny's big brother, so he feels responsible for him. This responsibility is confirmed by their mother on page 55, and the older brother reassures her, "I won't let nothing happen to Sonny" (57). But he fails at this, Sonny leaves and gets into trouble. Perhaps the narrator felt that if he couldn't keep his brother safe,... ...fe. But he couldn't. And indeed, suffering, lack of safety, is unavoidable, and also necessary for some things. "When I was downstairs before, on my way here, listening to that woman sing, it struck me all of a sudden how much suffering she must have had to go through. It's repulsive to think you have to suffer that much" (65). But we do. Everyone does. In fact, "There's no way not to suffer" (65). We are never safe from it. Total safety is not attainable. Not only in Harlem, but everywhere, there are things that are simply not under our control. Try as we might to block out unpleasant things for those around us, we cannot. This is the feeling that Baldwin creates through the story of Sonny and his brother. List of Work Cited Baldwin, James. "Sonny's Blues." The Norton introduction to Fiction. 6th ed. Ed. Jerome Beaty. New York: Norton, 1996. 47-70.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Bureaucratic Management Theory Essay
Weber’s theory of bureaucratic management has two essential elements. First, it entails structuring an organization into a hierarchy. Secondly, the organization and its members are governed by clearly defined rational-legal decision-making rules. Each element helps an organization to achieve its goals. An organizational hierarchy is the arrangement of the organization by level of authority in reference to the levels above and below it. For example, a vice-president of marketing is below the company’s president, at the same level as the company’s vice president of sales, and above the supervisor of the company’s social media department. Each level answers to the level above it with the ultimate leader of the organization at the top. The easiest way to understand the term rational-legal decision making rules is to think of it as a set of explicit and objective policies and procedures that governs how an organization functions. Examples of rational-legal decision-making rules include human resources rules and policies or the regulations governing who is entitled to unemployment insurance. Bureaucracies are all around us – this form of organization, which is comprised of non-elected officials who implement rules, is not only common in the public sector but in the business world as well. Examples of bureaucracies in the public sector include the Social Security Administration, Environmental Protection Agency and public universities. Among the oldest bureaucratic structures in the country is the United States Military. In the private sector, most large business firms have a bureaucratic organization. Examples of private sector firms with a bureaucratic structure include IBM, GM and the Union Pacific Railroad. Knowing how bureaucratic management works can lead to a better understanding of how government agencies and large business firms operate – it can assist you in interacting with complex organizations, whether it be seeking social security benefits or working for a large corporation. Max Weber Max Weber. Published in the US before 1923 and public domain in the US. Max Weber – Father of Modern Organizational Theory One of the most important thinkers in modern organizational theory, Max Weber (1864-1920), is the father of the bureaucratic management theory. Weber was a German sociologist and political economist that viewed bureaucracy in a positive light, believing it to be more rational and efficient than its historical predecessors.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Body Image - 957 Words
Body Image The essay titled â€Å"The Body of the Beholder†by Michele Ingressia from the textbook To the Point is about how black girls and white girls view their bodies. If you were to make a comparison Michele Ingressia says that they view their body images in very different ways. She writes about how black girls don’t mind gaining some weight while white girls do. They are always dieting to have the perfect body but never satisfied with what they have. This essay seems to be a very persuasive because it provides facts and statistics to back up what she has to say. In the first section of her essay Michele Ingressia writes about how obsessed white girls are with staying thin and how African American teens are in fact satisfied and†¦show more content†¦Then she concludes her essay stating that while the black image of beauty may be saner it can also be unhealthy. Michele Ingressia got a quote from a 15 year old named Muhammad Latif from Harlem who said, à ¢â‚¬Å"You have to be real fat for me to notice†(450). There was another quote from a sixteen year old who said that he didn’t like the fact that some of them are really skinny that it feels like they’re going to break them. She states an Arizona study that is funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development that says, â€Å"64 percent of the black girls thought it was better to be a little overweight that underweight†(450). She continuously provides evidence of what she is going to talk about. In her conclusion she states that the black image of beauty may be a good way for having self esteem but it is also not healthy and says that they are indeed in real dangers of obesity. Throughout the entire essay she provides countless of information and evidence. She not only has direct quotes from teens but she also has stats and evidence to back up what she has to say about how very differently white girls and black girls view their bodies. It is clearly showed that this essay is not only a really good essay but it is also veryShow MoreRelatedBody Image And Body Images1896 Words  | 8 Pagesfeelings of body image. Many people think a dancer’s personal vision of their body image is an important part of their psychological health and well-being and can help or hinder their dance performance. But what is body image? Body image is both perceptual (what we see) and affective (how we feel about what we see) (Rudd Carter, 2006). 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