Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Ground Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ground Engineering - Essay Example Pile foundations are chosen for the situations where structures transmit huge loads and suitable soil layer capable of supporting these loads are available only at greater depths. The piles are long and slender members capable of transmitting the loads of the structure into the hard soil layer or the rocks successfully even if very poor or soft soils that are considered to be inferior to meet this purpose is present in the upper layers. Based on the load carrying function piles are classified as end bearing pile, friction pile or combination pile that undertakes both the functions appropriately. The friction piles are suitable for the locations where granular soil is present and frictional resistance between the pile and the soil could be utilised in the resistance. While the end bearing piles helps to transmit the entire load a hard stratum through the tip resistance. A sketch of the load action on the end bearing pile and friction pile are shown in the figure 1. The basic structura l components of any pile are pile cap and the body of the pile. And (iii) All piles carry only vertical force. ... Figure 1(a) : End bearing pile Figure 1 (b) : Friction pile (Abebe and Smith, 2005) (Abebe and Smith, 2005) Pile load computation Following assumptions are incorporated in the load estimation on piles (i)All piles are considered as rigid (ii) The pile is pinned at the top and bottom And (iii) All piles carry only vertical force. The different loads that the pile need to carry would be direct loads from the columns and any other imposed loads on the structure. The direct loads from the columns to the pile are already given in the problem. The other loads are the load from the glass facades and the imposed loads. The glass faade load is the load along the edges of the floor and it could be computed by multiplying the unit load of the faade by the distance between the columns. The details of computation is as follows Glass faade load between the columns 1 & 8 Distance between the columns 1 and 8 = 20 metre Unit load of facde between the column 1 and 8 = 35 KN/m The load from the faade is assumed to be transferred equally to both the columns . So the loads are computed as 35 20 / 2 = 350 KN So the columns 1 and 8 would carry load of 350 KN each from the glass facades. Glass faade load between the columns 4 & 5 Distance between the columns 4 and 5 = 20 metre Unit load of facde between the column 4 and 5 = 35 KN/m The load from the faade is assumed to be transferred equally to both the columns . So the loads are computed as 35 20 / 2 = 350 KN So the columns 4 and 5 would carry load of 350 KN each from the glass facades placed between the columns 4 and 5. Glass faade load between the columns 1 and 4 The columns in this span are 1,2,3
Monday, October 28, 2019
History of the Democratic Party Essay Example for Free
History of the Democratic Party Essay The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States. When this party makes political decisions, the Democratic Party followed a very liberal viewpoint. The Democratic Party is one of the oldest official political parties in the world and it is the oldest official political party in the United States. In 1792, Thomas Jefferson started the Democratic Party to oppose the Federalist Party to fight for the Bill of Rights. The Democratic Party was called the party of the common man. It was probably called this because it supported the normal citizens, like farmers and middle class people. Thomas Jefferson was elected as the first president from the Democratic Party in 1800. Jefferson served as president for two terms for the Democratic Party. Following this, in 1848, the Democratic National Committee was formed by the National Convention. The Democratic National Committee exists, making it the longest standing political organization ever. The Democratic Party is recognized with serving the lower and middle classes by funding government programs such as Welfare and free or low cost medical insurance. This is an opposite belief of the Republican Party who believes in that no one should face a tax increase, especially the rich. Democratic parties typically rule large states such as New York and California. Since these are two states with a high number of electoral votes, the Democratic Party has an advantage in presidential elections, although despite that support, there have still been many Republican presidents voted into office.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
Racial profiling has become a significant and controversial issue across the nation nowadays. In general, racial profiling is defined as discriminatory behaviors of law enforcement officers that target people for suspicion in breaking the law solely based on their race or ethnicity in the belief that certain minority groups have a higher chance to engage in unlawful behavior. It is often discussed in the context of traffic stops by local or state police officials. African Americans are the number one targets and victims of this law enforcement strategy. Racial profiling is not only wrong, unfair and discriminatory, but also a form of racism and a violation of the rights of African Americans, therefore law enforcement strategy needs to come to an end. The most frequent use of racial profiling is in traffic stops, it deals with situations when minorities were stopped, interrogated or searched because of their race or ethnicity. Individual law enforcement agent who profile suspects solely on the basis of race or ethnicity violates the rights of those minorities. When race and ethnicity become factors in suspicious behavior, the civil rights of racial and ethnic minorities as a group are violated. Many members of minority groups across the nation have been claiming that police often use traffic violations as a pretext to stop a vehicle to investigate other possible crimes, such as drug and/or weapons violations, particularly African Americans, have long complained that the police, especially in suburban areas, stop them. For example, one of the scholarly articles on this issue states: â€Å"The stopping of black drivers, just to see what officers can find, has become so common in some places that this practice has its own name: Afr ican A... ...t apparent issues with racial profiling is that it violates the Constitution. According to the Fourth Amendment, American citizens are supposed to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures (Feder, 2). Thus, most cases of racial profiling are violating this Constitution because the race of a person is not a reasonable justification to search someone. In addition, the Fourteenth Amendment states "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." which suggests that all citizens are to be equally treated under the law. If this was the case, then everyone should have been treated equally, however, the fact is that African Americans are more likely to be searched by police and less likely to be treated as law-abiding citizens while white people are being treated the opposite way. This is conflicting the concept of equal protection.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Video recording act 1984 :: essays papers
Video recording act 1984 History As more and more people in the UK started to rent and buy videos for home use, it was thought that some kind of act should be passed that protected the public’s intrest. The video recordings act was brought in to prevent people from making videos of offensive nature (to some people) and then selling that footage to people who are deemed not suitable to see the footage (under aged) or people who are unaware of the nature of the video. In 1984 the act was passed through parliament and the BBFC (British Board Of Film Censorship) was designated to make sure that videos that are offered for sale or hire in the UK have the correct certificate. It was felt that videos needed to have a stricter rating system than cinema films as they could easily be obtained by under aged persons. The act does not really concentrate on the welfare of animals, but does stop films being made which depict scenes of cruelty, sexual (human/animal) intercourse/activities and mutilation. This act does work in relation with other acts that does protect animals, such as the Protection Of Animals Act 1911, Criminal Justice & Public Order and The Performing Animals (regulation) Act 192 5. Act Requirements & Aims: The act affects anyone who wishes to sell or hire videos for home, public use. The act may also effects people who have unlicensed videos for home use (extreme cases) The video recordings act states that: 1) Videos must be classified by designated authority (The president or vice president of the BBFC). That the certificate must reflect the video's suitability for home use. 2) Videos Must Not Contain Graphic Footage of – Â · Torture to humans or animals. Â · Explicit sexual acts between humans or human/animal. Â · Cruelty of animals (as stated in the Protection of Animals Act 1911). Â · Extreme violence to animals or people (particularly children and women). Â · Enjoyment from sexual assaults (human or animal). Â · Scenes that would cause great distress to Animals. These are the main points that effect animals, the rest of the act talks about the classification of the videos and footage in relation to people. 3) That it is an offence to sell such videos to any one under the certificate age. Videos are still allowed to show mild cruelty (depending in what context), for example when they hurl the cow out of the castle in Monty pythons quest for the Holy Grail (15 cert).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Education and Unforgettable Experience
Unforgettable Experience I still remember my first day of school in USA. It’s an unforgettable experience that I will always remember. In 2001 my family and I moved to USA, Arizona from India for better life and education. I was placed at 6th grade elementary school. First day of school for any student can be hard, but even hard for a student who doesn’t speak a word of English. Now, what made my first day of school so unforgettable was how I had to find my class, how I had to introduce myself to my new classmates, and how I tried to understand what the teacher was trying to teach.Reading a map and navigating the class location is quite hard for a 6th grader. Specially, for a student that’s in a new country and a new school like myself. I got off the bus and I have my school map on my hand trying to find where my class is. I am running one way to another holding my heavy backpack. Accidently, I ran into a girl. We both fell hard to the ground. I quickly got up an d helped her pick her stuff up and apologized. Funny to say I knew how to say sorry from watching movies, I said sorry to her but I didn’t understand a word she was saying to me and she didn’t seem quite happy.I understood from her facial expressions that she was cursing me and the students around were laughing out loud. Then, a nice lady teacher name Mrs. Smith came and I showed her my class number. Somehow, she understood that I needed help. So she helped me to my class after that embarrassing scene. Now everyone knows first day of school is about the teacher introducing themselves, going over the class rules and every student introducing their self to the class. My teacher name Mrs.McDonalds started with talking about herself and also, about what we were going to do that school year. After her it was the students turn, one by one each student stood up and said their name. They told the class about their interests and favorite things to do. I am nervously looking aro und trying to figure out what is going on. Then all of the sudden everyone starts staring at me and the teacher is asking me something. I started getting nervous and shy. I only understood the word name the teacher said, so I quickly told her my name.Then I stood quietly while the whole class started to laugh because of the awkward situation. After an embarrassing introduction of me to the class the teacher started to talk about our first assignment. We had to write a narrative essay with at least 500 words. As she explaining and teaching us about how to put together a narrative essay. I am sitting there asking to myself what in the world is going on. What do I do? It was even hard for students with English being their first language. Sitting in class not knowing a word of English was not fun.My classmates didn’t want to work with me because I couldn’t communicate with them. I just couldn’t wait for school to end for the day. It is an unforgettable experience I will always remember and think about. A quote that comes to mind says â€Å"you always learn the hardest way†unknown. What I went through that day made things easier for me the next day of school because I was more aware of things. I was more careful on my way to class, tried to learn how to introduce myself and ask the teacher for help with assignments.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Grizzly Bears essays
Grizzly Bears essays This report you are about to read is about the threatened species of grizzly bears. Grizzly bears are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and meat. However, they come from the order of Carnivora, meaning they have inherited the meat-eaters unspecialized, tubelike gut. Read on to help you learn more about grizzlies and start thinking of what you can do to help this near extinction species. By the way, this report was by Cynthia Chan. Grizzly bears are large brown bears with coarse, silver-tipped fur. They have large brown humps over their shoulder that most people find disgusting. Grizzlies claws can grow to 5 inches long. Their front claws are longer than their back claws. Grizzlies walk with their feet flat on the ground. You rarely see a grizzly walking while standing up. An adult grizzly may reach up to 8 feet in length. An average adult grizzly weighs about 850 pounds. An exceptionally large male grizzly may weigh up to 1200 pounds or more than 6 huge men. Its hard to believe that grizzly cubs can be so small that they can Grizzlies may look lumpy and clumsy but they are actually among the most strongest and fastest creatures on earth. They can reach speeds of 35-40 mph. and, despite its weight, could outrun the fastest man on earth. When grizzlies first come out of their winter dens, they are the thinnest theyll be the whole year because they havent eaten in months. Their first meal after their winter hibernation would probably be a carcass of a moose or caribou that didnt survive the winter. Grizzlies have to eat a lot in order to survive the winter when they hibernate. Near the sea, grizzlies may find a beached whale or a dead sea lion or walrus. When the earth turns green they eat roots and sedges. Sedges are grasses that are grown in wetlands. They are important because they grow rapidly in spring and they are rich in ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Our National Flag Essays
Our National Flag Essays Our National Flag Essay Our National Flag Essay There is no king without a crown. Similarly, there is no nation without a flag of its own. When India was under the British rule, there was no national flag of India. The people then became free. India became an independent country in 1947. Since the date of her independence, India has a national flag of her own. National Flag is a sacred thing for all. It stands for the mother land. When we honour our national flag it is considered as an honour to the country or our motherland. Similarly, any dishonor to our national flag is treated as a dishonor to our country. Our national flag is called Triranga. Because it contains three different colours such as saffron, white and green. Three stripes of these three colours remain horizontal. The upper part of the flag is of saffron colour. The middle part is white. The lower part is green. On the middle of white part there is a wheel or Chakra in the model of the Dharma Chakra of the noble emperor Ashoka the Great. The flag originally belonged to the Indian National Congress. In 1931 when this flag was adopted, it had a spinning wheel on the middle. But when it was chosen to be our national flag, the spinning wheel was replaced by the Dharma Chakra of Ashoka. It is a sin to consider the national flag as a piece of ordinary cloth. The flag has great meaning and significance. Saffron stands for sacrifice and selfless devotion. White colour indicates truth, purity and simplicity. The green colour stands for freshness and creative energy. The wheel indicates activity and progress through the path of justice, liberty and brotherhood. It also indicates peace. The people of India hoist the National Flag on 15th August and 26th January every year. They stand up under the flag and sing the National Anthem and pay honour to the Country. They vow to keep up her ideals. The National Flag is kept hoisted on all days of the year on the top of the government buildings and Courts. When a very important person of our country passes away, the National Flag is brought down half mast. The National flag is also hoisted on the buildings of the Indian Embassy in foreign countries. The National Flag-of India is a sacred thing for all the Indians irrespective of caste, colour, and religion. At any cost, we have to keep its prestige.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Cómo Cerrar Cita Para Visa Americana de Emergencia
Cà ³mo Cerrar Cita Para Visa Americana de Emergencia En ocasiones puede surgir la necesidad de obtener una visa para Estados Unidos con carcter de urgencia. Pero,  ¿quà © es considerado como urgente y cul es la tramitacià ³n para solicitarla? Adems de a esas preguntas en este artà culo se recuerda cules son las causas por las que la visa puede ser negada. Quà © Es Considerado Emergencia Para Solicitar la Visa Americana Son consideradas emergencias situaciones como: La muerte de un familiar inmediato (padre, madre, cà ³nyuge, hijos o hermanos).Una importante necesidad de recibir atencià ³n mà ©dica en Estados Unidos para sà mismo o para acompaà ±ar a un familiar inmediato que la necesita. La visa para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico es la de turista.Cuando surge una oportunidad de negocio.Cuando se necesita asistir a un evento deportivo, conferencia profesional, un entrenamiento o una conferencia de prensa.Cuando la cita ordinaria para una visa de estudiante est fechada posteriormente al dà a de inicio del curso.En los casos de visas de trabajo, cuando la planilla I-797 està © aprobada y el empleador requiera la presencia inmediata del empleado en Estados Unidos. No se concedern adelantos de las citas para las visas americanas por cuestiones de turismo ya que eso no es una emergencia. No importa que se tengan los boletos de avià ³n o el paquete de hotel y atracciones. Es por esta razà ³n que nunca debe pagarse por las vacaciones si no se tiene ya la visa en mano. Procedimiento Para Solicitar una Visa de Emergencia Es necesario entender que no existe un procedimiento estndar, sino que varà a de paà s a paà s. Por ejemplo, en Mà ©xico debe solicitarse una visa de turista siguiendo el procedimiento regular. Y una vez que se tenga la cita, enviar un correo electrà ³nico solicitando el cambio de tramitacià ³n regular a urgente. Si la peticià ³n es concedida, se notificar al interesado y se le indicar el procedimiento a seguir. Tener en cuenta que la direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nico es distinta si la solicitud se formula en inglà ©s o, si por el contrario, se escribe en espaà ±ol. Si la peticià ³n es denegada, todavà a sigue vigente la cita regular para la visa. Sin embargo, en otros paà ses la peticià ³n de cita urgente para una visa americana debe hacerse por telà ©fono, por lo que se debe consultar la pgina web de la oficina consular para saber bien quà © procedimiento debe seguirse. En estos casos de peticià ³n por telà ©fono hay que tener en cuenta que se est cobrando la llamada a un precio superior al ordinario. Adems, si se concede la peticià ³n de cita habr que pagar al momento el arancel de la visa, mediante una tarjeta de crà ©dito o de dà ©bito Visa, MasterCard o American Express. En los casos de peticià ³n por telà ©fono de cita urgente para la visa debe tenerse a mano para hablar con el operario la siguiente informacià ³n: Nombre, lugar y fecha de nacimiento del solicitante.Nà ºmero de pasaporte y nacionalidad.Direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nico.Y para ciertas visas, como algunas que permiten trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos, informacià ³n sobre las mismas. Si el solicitante no puede realizar la llamada por sà mismo, puede realizarse en su nombre un familiar o amigo, pero necesitar tener a mano el nombre completo y nà ºmero de pasaporte del solicitante. Consejo Sobre Lugar de Residencia Para solicitar urgentemente una visa se suele requerir tener la residencia o la nacionalidad del paà s desde donde se solicita la peticià ³n, salvo casos muy excepcionales. Por ejemplo, cuando se est en otro paà s de vacaciones y se precisa la visa americana de urgencia para transitar por Estados Unidos en su viaje de regreso al paà s de origen. Problemas Para Sacar la Visa de Emergencia A pesar de surgir una emergencia por la que hay que viajar a Estados Unidos, el consulado puede negar la peticià ³n. Y es que para poder obtener una visa americana no inmigrante, como por ejemplo la de turista, hay que cumplir dos requisitos: ser admisible y ser elegible. Son varias las razones por las que se considera que una persona es inelegible para la visa americana. La ms frecuente es la de no probar lazos econà ³micos y/o familiares suficientes en el lugar de residencia habitual. Si la razà ³n por la que se negà ³ la visa es causa por ser inelegible no es posible solicitar un perdà ³n, conocido en algunos paà ses como waiver o permiso. Por el contrario, si la razà ³n por la que el consulado no aprueba la visa es por causa de inadmisibilidad, en algunos casos es posible pedir un perdà ³n. La razà ³n ms frecuente que convierte a una persona en inadmisible es por estancia ilegal en Estados Unidos en una fecha anterior. Para un mayor conocimiento sobre cà ³mo sacar la visa de turista y cà ³mo evitar su cancelacià ³n o revocacià ³n es conveniente tomar esta prueba de respuestas mà ºltiples, ya que ayuda a aclarar dudas. Este es un articulo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Sociology class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Sociology class - Essay Example The factors are associated with the mannerism, behavior, family background, cultural predisposition of the society, family unit, outlook, opinion, mindset, outlook of the individual that broadly depends on the upbringing and the family orientation. These are the basic factors or elements which contribute to the personality of the individual and hence the individual's attitude towards others. A congenial, co-operative, understanding, empathic attitude in the family nurtures and inculcates the positive attitude in the personal disposition of the child and in every family member. This attitude aids in positive gesture, actions and feelings. A positive attitude towards mankind, influencing thoughts and personal attitude brings a soft attitude. In contrast, if the individuals is brought up with frustration and abuse then the personality displays such traits through short tempered nature, aggressive temperament, unhealthy feelings towards others, negative approach for life and also for peo ple. It is essential to study sociology as it relates to people and how they interact with their environment. It is related with the anthropology and psychology. Society has interrelationships and networks.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Chinese Female Customers Attitudes by Shopping Online Research Paper
Chinese Female Customers Attitudes by Shopping Online - Research Paper Example The Internet is rapidly becoming commercialized. It is swamped with online shopping and â€Å"shopping malls†. Customers can browse on their favorite online store viewing products (like 360buy) and food items (like Taobao). People describe it as â€Å"impossible is our thinking, but not what we can buy.†Electronic-commerce began in 1984 in North America when it was introduced as an application of Internet technology. The rapid growth of e-commerce proved immensely successful in the business world. China was a little late in entering the e-commerce business but after its arrival, it has shown tremendous growth potential in all of the Internet-related industries. Many people consider the term commerce as something that describes transactions between business partners. To many, this concept is very narrow. They preferred using the term e-business. E-business is a broader definition of e-commerce as it includes the service industry along with the retail business. It also r epresents collaboration with business partners and electronic transactions in an organization. Electronic business is a relatively new field on the Internet but since its inception, the growth has been remarkable. Experts believe that international e-commerce will be leading the economy in the coming years. The global economy has changed after the introduction of digital technology. Many business terms have been redefined to better suit the needs of the economy. For instance value creation now does not rely on physical goods anymore. It focuses on services, intelligence, and information as the chief sources for creating value for the customers. The researchers have identified certain stages or attributes in e-commerce. Exchanging digital information between parties is the primary stage. Â
Managing Resistance to Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Managing Resistance to Change - Research Paper Example Using the systems thinking approach, an organization can be assessed for the way in which it functions as a single entity, all of its parts performing so that the performance of the whole achieves mutual goals. Identifying the way in which the system functions is vital in assessing the way in which change will be accomplished. The model of managerial approach that can best be used is through establishing a work culture that has enough flexibility to embrace change. The second step is in providing clear information and creating inclusion in the ways in which the change is created. These two aspects of management are the most important in defining the environment in which change can take place. Resistance is minimized when an organization becomes an organic entity with flexible, porous boundaries that are focused on the overall success of the goals of the company. Through information and inclusion, this environment will not only achieve the goals of transition and change, but keep on t rack for achieving overall goals for the company. Managing Resistance to Change Introduction Change is a phenomenon that requires swift adaptation, an uncomfortable situation for people to manage. Human behavior is approached with apprehension of an outcome and when change occurs, fear of the unknown can create resistance. As a manager, the professional leader must find a way to create smooth transitions when changes occur in a work environment. This can be difficult as the manager is not only trying to reassure his team members, but to alleviate his or her own concerns. Despite the perception that change will be an unwelcome addition to a routine, most changes are intended to increase productivity and provide benefit for a business. Therefore, it is vital that a manager find a way to successfully introduce and implement changes so that the benefit that is intended can be realized. In examining managing resistance to change, the systems thinking approach is the model that allows for the best possible outcome through the most organizational structures. All organizations have a basic number of ways in which they function. These elements of the organization exist in small and large entities, their purposes vital to the overall functioning of the system in order to provide an organic structure. Some organic structures are flexible, while others are rigid, and it is in the level of rigidity that management fails to create an organization that can more easily create transitions when needed. Without transitions, there is not growth, therefore in order to best manage resistance to change, an organic, flexible ideology will best serve reducing resistance to change. Literature Review The primary problem presented with an element of change within an organization is in dealing with the anxiety that team members feel when their space of comfort is disrupted. Work consists of creating known habits and behaviors that define the progression of the day. When change is implemen ted, anxiety is created as the individual must reconcile what is a known outcome with what is an unknown variable. Maltz (2008), discusses the balance that is created by the existence of transition having a natural correspondence with resistance. There is an element of ’data’ in regard to resistance which is critical in defining productivity, development, and the creation of a successful change within the organization (p. 3). The primary focus of the work that Maltz (2008) has
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Robert Smithson and Ana Mendieta Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Robert Smithson and Ana Mendieta - Essay Example The paper "Robert Smithson and Ana Mendieta" discovers the art of the two artists, Robert Smithson and Ana Mendieta. Both artists use the earth as their medium. The only difference that we can see to them is the way by which they choose the medium to present their art. Smithson in his works tends to make monumental creations. His wonderful idea about making land into a form of art motivated him to come up with the Spiral Jetty in Salt Lake Utah in 1970. Eventually he became the proponent of Earth Art or land art. He called this as a site work, wherein the mere place or location becomes the artist medium or subject. Mendieta’s approach is almost the same. She also uses the earth and other things like feather etc. as her medium. The only difference that we can see is that she does intend to make monumental creation or big work as what Smithson is doing. She is unique in her symbolic approach in visual representation. She does not concentrate in making the site as her subject and medium. She mainly incorporates herself or her body to her art. These are things that Smithson has not done with his work. Most of his concepts revolve on his conceptual ideas of making the mere place or site as a form of art. There are reasons for these differences. Ana Mendieta strives not only to present a piece of art, like what Smithson is doing. Her concept is feministic, therefore bringing her earnest idea into the mediums by which she is using. She makes a lot of symbolisms in her work than what Smithson has done.
MGT WK5 GROUP ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MGT WK5 GROUP ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Visionary and proactive. Empathy. Integrity. Risk taking. Creativity Goal oriented. Similarly, the above characteristics will facilitate heir ability to maintain personal relationship with employees and delegation of responsibilities therefore building ateam.Agood leader should be goal oriented and should be at apposition to exhibit emotional maturity meaning emotional intelligence. The most common control mechanism is employee incentive and remuneration. It is found to be common since it s applied by most business organizations. Employee incentive entails; respect, recognition, responsibility, empowerment, social needs and salaries and remuneration (Bateman & Snell, 2009). Leading is a function of management which requires a leader to encourage employees to be highly productive and innovative. In its relation to control management, it affects the leading function of management in that it allows management to encourage employees to share their values and beliefs of the business. Lead ing works hand in hand with employee incentives in many ways and even by recognizing motivation theory and management which includes; basic needs, social needs, safety and security, esteem needs and finally self actualization. Control recognizes the fact that employees should be rewarded for their hard work and efforts (Bateman & Snell, 2009). ... els of absenteeism (d) Increased job satisfaction (e) Create confidence among employees (f) Reduces human resources costs and production costs (g) Reduces complains and grievances In relation to basic needs, effective control provides employees with reasonable pay so that they can afford some basic needs. The manager can also provide lunch if possible to employees. It ensures of employees job security and offers management to increase productivity, encourage innovation, values and beliefs of company. When utilized properly by companies as in our case, B Company, the employee incentives are found to be positive control mechanism. According to Bateman &Snell (2009), incentive programs are used to control productivity of employees through encouragement and rewards. In the case study of B&BCompany, it offers several rewards to its employees including health insurance, vacations, wellness programs and retirement benefits. It also provides stress management and opportunities for further tr aining and education. These incentives provide satisfaction while allowing management to apply control over human capital. B&B Company as any other organization recognizes its employees as one it’s major assets. Therefore they are safeguarded as well. On the other hand policies re installed by the management of this company to ensure that employees are protected rumors or informal communication which might be misleading. Room for informal groupings is also allowed in this company. Effective control recognizes efforts of employees, providing employees with titles and promoting the accordingly. It also provides for achievement of plans and should ensure that employees’ ego aren’t damaged. Control mechanism should provide for opportunities for self development. That is allowing employees
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Robert Smithson and Ana Mendieta Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Robert Smithson and Ana Mendieta - Essay Example The paper "Robert Smithson and Ana Mendieta" discovers the art of the two artists, Robert Smithson and Ana Mendieta. Both artists use the earth as their medium. The only difference that we can see to them is the way by which they choose the medium to present their art. Smithson in his works tends to make monumental creations. His wonderful idea about making land into a form of art motivated him to come up with the Spiral Jetty in Salt Lake Utah in 1970. Eventually he became the proponent of Earth Art or land art. He called this as a site work, wherein the mere place or location becomes the artist medium or subject. Mendieta’s approach is almost the same. She also uses the earth and other things like feather etc. as her medium. The only difference that we can see is that she does intend to make monumental creation or big work as what Smithson is doing. She is unique in her symbolic approach in visual representation. She does not concentrate in making the site as her subject and medium. She mainly incorporates herself or her body to her art. These are things that Smithson has not done with his work. Most of his concepts revolve on his conceptual ideas of making the mere place or site as a form of art. There are reasons for these differences. Ana Mendieta strives not only to present a piece of art, like what Smithson is doing. Her concept is feministic, therefore bringing her earnest idea into the mediums by which she is using. She makes a lot of symbolisms in her work than what Smithson has done.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Choose one topic from the five questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Choose one topic from the five questions - Essay Example In addition, citizens in areas of China that were especially vulnerable to droughts and famine would have access to food in times of distress (De Barry and Bloom 623-624; Lecture Notes). Ever-Normal-Granaries in Practice The earliest regulatory framework implemented for the Ever-Normal-Granaries under the imperial government, required the construction of state storage facilities in each county. The granaries were under the management of local authorities. Storage capacity and grain actually stored were commensurate with population sizes. For example, a heavily populated county would store more bushels of grain than a county with a relatively smaller population. At the end of the fall harvest, grain could be purchased in counties where the price of grain was lower and therefore supplies were higher. In order to safeguard against the natural destruction of the grain, a predetermined amount of grain was put on the market at a lower price and subsequently replaced (De Barry and Bloom 624 ; Lecture Notes). In regions where agriculture was by far the most important and perhaps the only source of food and economics, additional measures were taken. Grain was used to subsidize loans to peasant farmers who experienced a shortage in food and grain seeds (De Barry and Bloom 624-625; Lecture Notes). In other words, the collateral for a loan was the promise by the debtor of a specific quota in grain production at some time in the future. To this end, the Ever-Normal-Granaries in practice, was a system intended to keep the masses in food supply as a means of providing an incentive and a relief fund, for the production of grain. A charitable granary was also established pursuant to the Zhu Xi’s Neo-Confucian philosophy (De Barry and Bloom 748). This neo-Confucian philosophy emphasized the duty of the wealthy to contribute toward the welfare of the poor and was thus a strategy for the alleviation of poverty. During good harvest times, all cities were required to set up ch aritable granaries. Farmers were expected to make contributions of rice and wheat commensurate with their crop and store the rice and wheat in the charitable granary. City officials were responsible for collecting the grain donations and in lean times were required to make the grain available to those who needed it the most, but could not afford to pay for it (De Barry and Bloom 748). The Logic of the Ever-Normal-Granaries According to De Barry and Bloom, the Ever-Normal-Granaries was designed to ensure the fair distribution of the country’s food supplies (624). For example, if a county with approximately 10,000 families had 1,000 bushels of grain stored and put those stored grains to market when prices increased, the price of grain would become stabilized. Logically, when grain prices are stable, there is enough grain for everyone. As De Barry and Bloom explain: There is no hoarding of grain by some while others beg for food, no pursuing and pressing by the headman of the vi llage to make people pay back their loans (624). The logic of the Ever-Normal-Granaries was not merely informed by the need to alleviate poverty. The logic of the Ever-Normal-Granaries was also informed by moral reasoning. According to Mencius, one of the first important Confucius followers, the youth tended to behave themselves during the good years and were more inclined
Impacts of Social Media Marketing Essay Example for Free
Impacts of Social Media Marketing Essay With the emergence of internet-based social media it has made it possible for people to communicate with thousands of other people around the world about products and the companies that provide these goods and services to them. Accordingly, the impact of consumer to consumer communications has been tremendously heightened within the marketplace. Many people would argue that social media is a hybrid element for promoting a company and its products, considering that in the traditional sense it allows companies to speak directly to their customers, while in a nontraditional sense it enables customers to talk directly to one another. The information, timing, and volume of social media-based conversations that occur between consumers are outside of a managers’ direct control. This goes against any traditional integrated marketing communications where there is a high sense of control from the manager. Thus, it is the managers’ responsibility to learn how to shape a consumers discussion in a manner that is consistent with their organizations mission statement and performance goals (Kerin, Hartley Rudelius, 2009). Traditional Marketing Traditional marketing techniques involve direct mail, trade shows, television, radio broadcasting and social events which are still very prevalent and are still heavily used by many companies around the world to market products and the services offered by their companies. Marketing through television provides companies mass exposure to a wide array of individuals with a mass message. Many businesses dont realize that television can often be one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising. The advantages of television are that it has everything needed to catch the attention of your projected audience: audio and visual. Community based television stations which are often looking for advertisers and are more willing to accommodate advertisers because of a less rigid schedule. Newspapers and classifieds are becoming increasingly popular and is a great way to target clients at a reasonable cost. The yellow pages have become a commonplace for companies who want to locate their specific business needs. Another way for businesses to market is with brochures, these are a great way of advertising a business. Depending on the type of business, brochures can be extremely useful. For a business that is in the industry of travel or tourism, brochures are a must, and there are multitudes of places where they can be displayed for customers to view. If a business is in a different type of industry it may be a little more difficult to find locations to display brochures, except to use them in mail drops, as handouts at trade shows and conventions, or for a direct mail out to potential customers. If a company is a manufacturer or supplier, it will need to provide their brochures to a distribution network. Brochures are a great way to market, but a company should make sure they are a cost-effective use of your time and investment, and if a company is going to produce brochures, they should know ahead of time how and where they will distribute them. Social Media Marketing Social media marketing represents low cost tools that are used to combine technology and social interaction with the use of words. These are typically internet based. Social media gives marketers a voice and allows them to communicate with their current customers and potential customers. Companies are able to personalize their brand and it gives them a way to spread their message in a relaxed and conversational way. Many people used to think Facebook was just for teens and young adults. Companies did not see much value for the social media site. That is all slowly changing though. Several companies are using Facebook to market their products and are seeing great success. Consider the following statistics provided between September 2008 and February 2009 the number of Facebook users between the ages of thirty five and forty four increased by 51%, user among the ages 45-54 jumped up 47 % and user ages 26-34 increased by 26 % more then half of Facebooks 140 million users are out of college. Clearly, social media is no longer just for the college student. Facebook is used as a marketing tool because it is easy to gain new clients, promote new products and services while offing deals and sales and staying in touch with your customers (Zarrella , 2009). Social media can be used to provide an identity for the products and services that a company has to offer. It can also create relationships using social media with people who might not otherwise know about a company’s products or services or what our companies represents. If a company wants new customers and retain their current ones they must establish a good relationship. Social media can be used to associate one’s self with their peers, which could be serving the same target market. It could also be used to communicate and provide an interaction with the consumers a company is looking for. Conclusion There are many advantages to using social media as a marketing tool for a company. However a company cannot just depend on social media alone to market their company, they must integrate it with other vehicles of marketing. While social media can create awareness for a company, it may not be the right form of advertising for a company. Companies must be consistent with any form of marketing that it chooses to use. The role that social media plays in the marketing of a company is to use it as a communication tool that allows a company access to those interested in their product and makes the company visible to those who do not know what services and products a particular company has to offer. It can be used as a tool to create a personality behind a company’s brand and create relationships that otherwise may never have happened. Social media cannot only create repeat-buyers for companies, but also customer loyalty. The fact that social media is so diversified and it can be used in several different ways, ways that best suit the interest and the needs of a company shows that it is a good source of marketing for any business (McAdams, Neslund Zucker, 2008). The form of marketing that a company uses really comes down to what type of audience the company is trying to attract and what they can ultimately afford to spend on adverting and marketing for the company. Any of the marketing techniques work a company just has to be consistent with the form they choose to use. Social media marketing is the way of the future and is not going to go away anytime soon. References Zarrella , D. (2009). The social media marketing book. Kerin, R. A., Hartley, S. W., Rudelius, W. (2009). Marketing. (9 ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin McAdams, T., Neslund, N., Zucker, K. D. (2008). Law, business, and society. (Ninth ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Black Power Movement Essay
Black Power Movement Essay ZAHRAA JAINODIEN INTRODUCTION The failures of the Civil Rights Movement resulted in the Black Power Movement. Members of the party felt that passive resistance was unrealistic and that for real change to occur, violent direct action would need to happen. Leaders like Malcolm X felt that passive resistance was not effective. Not only did Black Power promote black beauty is also unified African Americans. Why did the BPM come into existence? The Civil Rights Movement achieved many great things, their powerful protests created an immense amount of awareness for the oppression of black people in America. Protests like the Montgomery Bus Boycott, The sit-ins in 1960, the March on Lincoln Memorial, the Birmingham Campaign in 1963, Freedom summer of 1964, and the Selma-Montgomery marches, attained: the passing of the Civil Rights Act by the American Congress in 1964. This outlawed discrimination based on racial, ethnic, national, religious and gender identity, and the passing of the Voting Rights Act by the American Congress in 1965. In addition to these acts being passed black people gained a new self-confidence as the result of The CRM. Black people also gained a new sympathy for the things that they had lost during the CRM from their fellow white citizens of America. Despite the achievements of the CRM by 1965 the general economic conditions of African Americans were poor. They lived in ghettos which were crowded and diseases would often arise due to the lack of facilities, the ghettos were often in bad conditions and most of the time unkempt[1]. Apart from the living conditions, most of these people were unemployed or paid very low wages as job opportunities were lacking. This resulted in poverty and crime and to many the achievements of the CRM were in vain, they had lost all hope. Although they had achieved civil rights they were still subject to copious amounts of discrimination often racial abuse and violent attacks with this the police provided little protection and sometimes were guilty of these brutal attacks. The African Americans had no solution to this problem as they were taught by previous leaders like Martin Luther King that passive resistance and civil disobedience were commendable ways of disapproving authority but many felt that this ideology was inadequate and so they turned to more forceful ways of resistance[2]. Black power promoted black interests and this appealed to many frustrated African Americans. Black power grew out of black dissatisfaction of the CRM. Although the achievements of the CRM were praiseworthy it was not good enough. A Ghetto during the 1960s What Influence did Malcolm X have on the development of the BPM? Malcolm X was an African American Muslim minister and a human rights activist. Malcom X joined the Nation of Islam, which believed that blacks were superior to whites. They also believed in black self-reliance and that African Americans should return to where they originated from, Africa, as they believed that they would never be abundantly accepted in American society. Malcolm X became one of their best outspoken speakers. After his time as part of the Nation of Islam his relationship with the leader of the movement Elijah Muhammad grew hostile [3] and he decided to leave the movement. Malcolm X believed that blacks had the right to defend themselves violently in the face of a violent attack if necessary to achieve their freedom and equality. He did not believe in integration between blacks and whites making him an early proponent of Black Nationalism. Thus he didn’t believe in Martin Luther King’s ideology of passive resistance, their lack of power was the foundation of Malcolm X’s duty to encourage that protests be more assertive.[4] Although he was a firm believer of the promotion of black interests, black self-esteem, black self-pride and black self-defence against racial oppression his views began to change after his pilgrimage to mecca. He discovered that Muslims preach equality of the races. After returning to America he remained convinced that racism ruined the spirit of America and that only black people could free themselves. Malcom X What were the main beliefs and aims of the BPM? The Black Power Movement was interpreted in various ways and had many beliefs but ultimately a common objective, Black Nationalism. Black power promoted black interests, self-sufficient black economy, Black self-pride and self-esteem. They believed that black people and white people should not be integrated therefore they fostered a distinctive black culture. [5] These ideas caused friction with leaders of the Civil Rights Movement as the CRM worked towards social equality whereas Black Power believed in black separation. Not all parties were in favour of Black Nationalism, The Black Panther party believed in Self-defence against racial oppression. They also believed that the structure of power in America was imbalanced [6] and that majority of the people in power in America were white thus making it unfair, they believed that people of colour were economically exploited and that it needed to be rectified. Black power believed in black control of their communities, they didn’t believe in nonviolent protests as they believed that direct action was more effective. Supporters of the Black Power Movement began adopting distinctive ways of dressing, especially women who then decided that their wardrobe would be more uniformed inspired than European. They coined a term â€Å"Black is Beautiful†[7] and this became their mantra, men and women were asked to stop straightening their hair and bleaching their skin, as in American culture it was believed that certain black characteristics were undesirable, thus men and women donned an afro hairstyle to display their new found confidence in being black. They believed that time was not to be wasted on proving to the white people that they were equal but rather that, that time to be spent on educating the black community of black power , building institutions and providing protection to fellow black citizens. What methods did the BPM employ? There were various methods that were employed by the members of the BPM. During the Civil Rights Movement, an organisation called the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was a non-violent committee that would participate in sit-ins and freedom rides, protesting against the inequality between white and black people. It started out non-violently but later on in the 60s it fell under the leadership of a passionate Stokely Carmichael and this organisation became a predecessor of the BPM. The Black Panther Party carried out most of the procedures when it came to educating the black people of black power. The Black Panther Party was initially formed to protect black people from police brutality but under the leadership of Stokely Carmichael the Black Panther Party adopted Black Nationalism. Many of the members of the party carried firearms with them; this was thought to protect the black people from the police but also made them look very intimidating displaying their clear contrary to the Civil Rights Movement. Majority of the black people were illiterate and this created a problem for the party as leaflets could not be made therefore it was pointless if no one could read them, so the leaders made decisions to incorporate awareness in less literal way. â€Å"They could have leafleted the community and they could have written books, but the people would not respond. They had to act and the people could see and hear about it and therefore become educated on how to respond to oppression.†[8] They decided that crime and poverty in the ghettos could be decreased if they employed people who were interested in conveying radical change. Apart from being responsible for various criminal activities the BBP formed armed groups for self-defence against the police, this was their strategy to protect themselves and idea of Black Nationalism. Under this party the main focus was that black people would be free from white people completely, and that they only relied on themselves and other people falling under the black nation. Members of the BBP How successful was the BPM? It is suggested that Black Power made positive, lasting contributions to the African American lifestyle.[9] It created greater racial pride amongst the black people in America. Black people became more accepting of their American heritage, they noted that they would be stronger as country than as segregated races. African Americans were now taken care of, ghettos decreased as well as crime and poverty. Black voters were endowed to support their black candidates[10]. The Black Power Movement also formed a path; black students were now given the opportunity to study at university without any racial oppression or discrimination. Although we like to believe that racial discrimination no longer existed in America, it did and it still does. The Black Power Movement also created a strong black culture for African Americans, this was something that they could relate to, and this culture consisted of soulful music, eccentric fashion and heartfelt literature. The BPM also formed a platform for cultural tolerance in America, as different cultures were now accepted amongst people of the country. What is the legacy of the BPM today? The Black Power Movement set down a fundamental platform for the advancement of African Americans. Black Power was not the only contributing factor, but the Civil Rights Movement also played a big role in achieving equality for African Americans. Under the Civil Rights Movement, Civil Rights Acts were passed, race discrimination became illegal and this gave African Americans a new kind of self-esteem and self-confidence in who they were as Americans. Although the Black Power Movement â€Å"ended†the spirit today still does exist, not only in America but in all parts of the world. If we look at America today, there are many successful African Americans in the country. The dream of many African Americans was achieved in 2008 when Barack Obama was elected as America’s first black president. This could not be made possible if black power did not exist. It was the strength and power of the many activists in the 1960s and 1970s that fashioned an important part in history today. â€Å"Black powers impact thus remains powerfully resonant  however fraught and contentious  as a generation of black politicians, artists, and intellectuals have channelled the new black identity it first articulated in diverse and varied ways†[11] with this said the writer makes a very crucial point, that Black Power was the basis of the accomplishments of African Americans today and that it should remain as a token that A frican Americans should remember of the struggle. Conclusion It is suggested that the failures of the Civil Rights Movement subsequently lead to the rise of Black Power. The methods used during the Civil Rights Movement like passive resistance and civil disobedience felt inadequate to the black people therefore it appeared that was a need for alternative methods to achieve equality. Timeline of the BP 1952 Malcolm X joins The Nation of Islam 1955-1956 Montgomery Bus Boycott 1960 The first Sit-in occurred in Greensboro, North Carolina 1963 The March on Washington (Lincoln Memorial) 1963 Birmingham Campaign 1964 Freedom Summer Campaign 1964 Civil Rights Act was signed 1964 Malcolm X breaks with the Nation Of Islam 1965 Voting Rights Act was signed 1966 The Black Panther Party was founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale 1966 Stokeley Carmichael becomes ‘Honorary Prime Minister’ of the BBP 1967 Stokeley Carmichael is removed From BBP 1972 National Black Political Convention was held 1980 BBP started to dissipate 1983 Martin Luther King Jr Day was created Illustrations A protest of Asians showing their support of Black Power, they’re protesting for the release of Huey Newton who was imprisoned for murdering a policeman in 1967. A Black panthers poster with their mantra â€Å"Move on over or we’ll move on over you†which basically meant that they were not afraid for fighting for their rights. Bibliography Revolutionaries to Race Leaders: Black Power and the Making of African American Politics written by Cederic Johnson Black theology and black power written by James H. Cone [1] [2] [3] [4] Adapted from [5] and adapted from New day in Babylon the BPM movement and American culture written by William l. van Deburg, ISBN: 9780226847153 Published November 1993 [6] [7] Adapted from [8] Quote by Black Panther leader, Huey Newton 1968 [9] adapted from New Day in Babylon: The Black Power Movement and American Culture, 1965-1975By William L. Van Deburg [10] [11] Quote from an article
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Comparison Of Love Poetry: Essay -- English Literature
Comparison Of Love Poetry: Rememberby Christina Rossetti, How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and When We Two Parted by Lord Byron The three poems, Remember by Christina Rossetti; How Do I love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and When We Two Parted by Lord Byron, each explore love and loss in their own unique ways. Remember is, as expected from the title, a solemn lament which is a farewell sonnet to her treasured one. How Do I Love Thee? is again a sonnet of love but is of a love that is present and hopefully will remain forever. The third poem that will be examined is When We Two Parted which tells of a lost secret love that has left a scar on Lord Byron's life. Elizabeth Barrett Browning's impressive How Do I Love Thee? is, as you might suppose, a poem describing the extent of the author's love of her partner. It is one of her "Sonnets from the Portuguese" which were written in her Italian days at the Casa Guidi. Like many of them How Do I Love Thee? takes the form of a patriarchal sonnet which is the most common sonnet form and is for the most part the more appropriate form for love poetry over the English or Shakespearian sonnet or the Spenserian sonnet. Using sonnet form, you would expect the change in tone after the first octet but in this the change is less pronounced with a subtle change to a graver side of love. Though it is so understated it could be debated that it isn't there at all. The second poem to be analysed is Lord Byron's When We Two Parted. This is written from a different perspective to How Do I Love Thee? where the relationship has ended and his feelings can be simply shown in language. The overriding tone is one of hostility and bitterness towards his pas... ... love in a different way, Remember shows it as a platonic love between friends where it is going away. When We Two Parted tells the story of a lost love edged with the feelings of bitterness that come with an ended relationship and How Do I Love Thee? recounts an absolute love that is flawless and perfect in every way. The presentation of loss in How Do I Love Thee? is virtually non-existent with only one mention where the love will grow stronger after death. In When We Two Parted loss is the main theme of the poem and is shown as a very grave matter that is not good for any person. Remember shows loss differently as though it isn't necessarily an awful thing. It isn't good but you cannot dwell on it, you must move on and live your life. Ultimately, love and loss can be presented in many different ways and these poems show us some of these ways very well.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Naval Technology: 1450-1750 Essay -- effective naval vessels, ships
  The Early Modern Era saw great change in the field of naval technology. Exploration and the desire to expand trade fueled the development of new, more effective naval vessels. These vessels, in turn, contributed to the growth of worldwide trade and interconnection that marked the period.   In 1453 the Ottomans took control of Constantinople, and effectively cut off direct European trade to East Asia. Because of this, in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, exploration in search of alternative routes became a key focus of Western European nations.   The development of such vessels as the caravel and carrack allowed for the great expansion of this trade-driven exploration. The caravel, a small, lateen-rigged ship of 12-18 meters (Russel, 229) , was developed as a fishing boat in the early 13th century, in Portugal. Its maneuverability and speed made it possible for explorers, merchants, and fisherman alike, to go further, faster. The Caravel would become the backbone of early Spanish and Portuguese exploration, and the model on which many other vessels were based. Columbus used two caravels in his ‘discovery’ of the new world: the Nià ±a and the Pinta; and Vasco Da Gama used the caravel Berrio in his expedition around Africa.      The carrack, or nao, was a large, multi-decked ship that used a combination of square and lateen sails to ensure a balance of power and maneuverability. The carrack became the premiere ship of early exploration and trade as it was able to carry up to 1,000 tons(Johnston) and was capable of withstanding the lengthiest voyages. The premiere ships of the voyages of Columbus, De Gama, and Magellan were all carracks.   These early vessels allowed for the mass exploration and colonization, of the American... ...Modelling: Rigging Patterns - The Carracks and Caravels." Jan's Sites: Navigation. N.p., 8 Mar. 2012. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. Glete, Jan. Warfare at Sea, 1500-1650: Maritime Conflicts and the Transformation of Europe. London: Routledge, 2000. 150-60. Print. Konstam, Angus. The History of Shipwrecks. New York: Lyons, 1999. Print. Rodrigues, Francisco. Roteiro De Malaca. 16th Century. Engraving. N.p. Russel, Peter E. "The Caravels of Christ." Prince Henry 'The Navigator': A Life. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale UP, 2001. 225-38. Print. Schwarz, George R. "History of the Caravel." Caravel. Texas A&M University, n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. Vroom, Hendrik Cornelisz. Hollandse Schepen Overzeilen Spaanse Galeien Onder De Engelse Kust. 1617. Oil on canvas. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Web. Johnston, Ruth A. "medieval ships and boats." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2013.
Tangible Property Rights
Week Five Team Assignment: Tangible Property Rights Jo Darling, Mark Plenty, Chantile Smith, Chante Strickland LAW/531 April 15, 2013 David Cheatham, J. D. Week Five Team Assignment: Tangible Property Rights Tangible property is property that is seen and touched outside of fixtures (University of Phoenix, 2010). †Tangible property includes physically defined property such as goods, animals, minerals â€Å"(University of Phoenix 2010). The laws in the United States of America provides property owner rights of protection of their assets (University of Phoenix, 2010).In essence, any organization has an implied right to safeguard tangible property from damage or thief, and this is an organizational responsibility. Therefore, a comprehensive strategy by managers must assess the risks associated with doing business in their industry. This is never more apparent than in automotive retailing, tangible property on location can valuate to millions of dollars. Obviously, a coalition tha t includes a financier, attorney, accountant, and insurance agent would identify areas of concern and present remedies related to the full scope of the business.The common aspect of procuring a strong property and casualty insurance policy is mandated, and regulated. This is the most basic protection management can institute. Moreover, other meticulous methods designed to protect tangible property must be addressed. This composition will confront three issues tantamount for managers to consider, for the success of protecting its tangible property at an automotive store. Tangible Property Protection Plan Tangible property protection requires six perspectives that managers should consider when formulating a plan to protect its tangible property.Broom (2008) indicates that the areas pertinent to a comprehensive plan are as follows: operations; reputation; regulation; legal; liquidity; and human element. The focus of this submission will discuss inventory, equipment and information. Automotive Inventory The vehicles on a car lot are considered to be the store’s most important tangible property. This inventory can be appraised to be upwards of millions of dollars relative to the size of the inventory. Management would do well to fence off the property to deter theft and vandalism. Of the $17 billion lost by victims of property crime in the United States in 2003, over $8. 6 billion (roughly 51 per cent) was the result of auto theft (FBI) 2004,†(â€Å"The key to auto theft,†2006, p. 2). Furthermore car stereos, antennas and other accessories are subject to damage or theft if left unprotected (â€Å"The key to auto theft,† 2006). Another aspect in this area is controlling access to the keys of the vehicles on the property. It is important to have a system that requires every sales and service person to log use.This means that activity for demonstration rides, merchandising the lot as well as maintenance and repairs need documentation . Many car thieves have obtained illegally, access to keys on the property. â€Å"They related stories about stealing keys from lock boxes that were attached to vehicles’ windows at car dealerships†(â€Å"The key to auto theft,†2006, p. 919). Automobile Dealership Equipment Managers at a car dealership will find implementing a comprehensive maintenance program on equipment could increase efficiency and productivity.The prime area of consideration if it has one, is the service department. Broome (2008) relates possessing equipment that is state of the art, well maintained or in some cases replaced will reward the organization by increasing performance and reducing down time while enhancing the bottom line. Service will counter sluggish sales and leasing and provide stability when economic conditions cause older vehicles to be in use longer. Moreover, management should establish maintenance schedules on mechanical equipment and require a systematic system for pl acement of all tools.Detailed oral and written reports and firsthand observation should reveal the true value of the service department’s stock in trade. This should prompt managers to follow through and make decisions in a timely fashion for equipment replacement. Protecting Tangible Information Important tangible property at an automobile dealership also consist of copies of financial information, customer contract, and credit information. These records include both manual and electronic data, and management must provide a haven for storage.Therefore a safe located on the property fire and water resistant could preserve documents. On the other hand, provisions could also be made for storage of records away from the property. Electronic files on the local area network should have back up protection in the event of system failure (Broome, 2008). Conclusion Tangible property rights is the foundation granted by law that facilitates asset protection. Management has a duty to tak e initiatives that recognizes risk factors. The next step is to devise plans to mitigate the risk.However, a plan is only a good device unless executed (Broome, 2008). References Broome, J. T. (2008, September). Six steps to lower risk. Playthings, 106(8), 1-16. Chapter 4 reserve reading Cheeseman, H. R. (2010). Personal property and bailment [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. : Pearson education. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, LAW/531 website. Criminal, B. J. (2006, March). The key to auto theft. Advance Access Publication, 46(), 917-934. http://bjc. oxfordjournals. org. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/content/46/5/917. full. pdf+html
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Financial Environment Essay
Introduction With recent big changes in healthcare legislation, health care organizations are moving towards a system that changes reimbursement procedures. Health care organizations will be reimbursed by the government based on the quality of care provided by that organization. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires certain steps to make Medicare more resourceful by decreasing the amount of overpaid funds to insurance companies, adjusting reimbursement rates to levels that are more suitable, and altering payment scales and systems to support the delivery of efficient, premium health care (â€Å"Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services†, 2013). There are several different types of health care organizations that offer medical services to patients. Because of the many different services and organizations in healthcare, the financial aspect of health care is not so cut and dry. Health care organizations can be described as either for-profit, not-for-profit, or part of a government organization. Some examples of these health care organizations are hospitals, nursing homes, health insurance companies, and home health care agencies. Gapenski (2008) explains that he healthcare field is different from any other field mainly because of two factors. Unlike other types of services, most healthcare providers and organizations are structured as not-for-profit rather than being owned by an investor. Another major factor that contributes to its uniqueness is the fact that payment is made by a third party rather than the individual who receives the services. For-profit Organizations The Watermark at Logan Square, Tenet Healthcare, and Hospital Management Associates (HMA) are just three examples of for-profit health care organizations in today’s market. These are investor owned organizations that must pay taxes and do not receive the same benefits that not-for-profit organizations receive. For-profit healthcare organizations are owned by investors. In terms, this means they have shareholders who benefit directly from any profits that are generated from this organization. Unlike, not-for-profit organizations, these for-profit organizations do not usually have the mission of taking on charity work or cases. Not-for-profit Organizations Not-for-profit hospitals are nongovernment entities that are organized with the main goal of providing inpatient healthcare services. Three examples of not-for-profit healthcare organizations include The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP), Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and The Cleveland Clinic. Gapenski (2008) explains that not-for-profit organizations must be structured and managed so that they operate exclusively to the interest of the public. Non-profit organizations were formed with the purpose of servicing the needs of the less fortunate. This later led to non-for-profit hospitals being free from paying taxes because of the fact that they were providing certain social services. Due to the fact that individuals can not benefit from the profits of not-for-profit organizations, dividends from these organizations cannot be paid (Gapenski, 2008). Not-for-profit organizations are also controlled by a board of trustees, which often times makes it hard to make certain changes or decisions without everyone in agreement. Because of the current economy, Ebrahim (2010) explains that not-for-profit organizations stand out more in the area of public policy and the delivery of public services than they have ever before. Currently, the existing economic crisis has caused cuts in funding at both the state and local level. These financial cuts often times force many not-for-profit organizations to reduce the services offered. Obtaining funding with these setbacks is a major challenge for any nonprofit organization. When these organizations are not getting the funds they were once given, it takes a lot of budget restructure to not be incomplete deficit. It is still important for these organizations to gain some type of profit to be able to purchase more equipment, technology, or even land to help provide quality care. For-profit vs. Not-for-profit Both for-profit and not-for-profit hospitals produce revenues through their daily operations and interactions. Unlike not-for-profit hospitals, for-profit hospitals are able to generate funds by issuing stocks. On the other hand, not-for-profit hospitals can accept tax-deductible contributions. The two different types of organizations generally have different ways of handling decisions regarding different financial and capital investments. A not-for-profit organization does not have the same opportunities for the capital structure that a for-profit organization does. In particular, a not-for-profit organization cannot sell new shares or ownership interests. Governmental Organizations Government organizations, like not-for-profit organizations, have no stockholders who receive the remaining assets when they are liquefied. Government health care organizations offer care to patients at a certain cost or agreed fee. The patient is responsible for a certain amount and the insurance is responsible for the remainder of the bill (Berger, 2008). Conclusion Healthcare finance is not always easy to grasp. It is important that one has a general understanding of how finances are managed in healthcare. It is essential for one to understand the differences in the types of organizations and it may help understand why certain decisions are made. It is also beneficial for one to stay updated on legislation in healthcare because it may directly shape the way that finances are handled. References Berger, S. (2008). Fundamentals of health care financial management. A practical guide to fiscal issues and activities. John Wiley & Sons. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services. (2013). Retrieved from Ebrahim, A. (2010). Nonprofit agency challenges. Journal Of Policy Analysis & Management, 29(3), 628-632. Gapenski, L. C. (2008) Healthcare finance: An introduction to accounting and financial management. (4th ed.). Chicago, IL: Association of University Programs in Health Administration. 0 replies | 0 drafts
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Take home exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Take home exam - Assignment Example The attitude of the customers also gets influenced by the promotional activities carried out by the company such as advertisement. Irrespective of the nature of the customers, it is the duty of the marketers to properly understand the needs of the customers. In doing so the marketers would be able to develop goods or services which would meet the need of the customers a lot more precisely than the competitors, The main problem is that the consumer decision making process is a complex on and understanding the mindset of the consumers correctly is quite difficult. The customers do not actually make purchases without thinking carefully about the needs. Wherever there is a presence of the choice, decisions are also usually involved and these decisions are most of the times influenced by changing motives. The organization that can understand why customers make decisions such as who buys the products; how they buy; where they buy; why they buy; would have more chances to become successful. The philosophy that guides all the marketing activities is the core concept of marketing. The idea that an organization should look to try to satisfy the needs of the customers through coordinated activities that allows the marketers to achieve the marketing objectives; The marketing concept states that a business should first understand the needs of the customers and then develop the products accordingly. ... To implement the marketing concept a company must have good information regarding the needs and demands of the customers to develop a customer oriented strategy (Pride and Ferrel 4). As far the topic of forcing the customers to buy products that the customer may not is concerned; it can be said that the core concept of marketing actually puts the customers at the very beginning of the marketing process. Before developing any products the marketers usually go for a market research to understand the need and demand of the customers and then only the products as per the needs of the customers are developed. Any great innovation including the launch of the smart phones is actually a result of the understanding the customer demand through he market research. Addition of mp3 players of cameras are actually augmentation. The core product of a cell phone remains to be the on the go telecommunication facility provided by the phone. But features such as cameras or mps players actually were lov ed by the customers. Hence the marketers realized that the customers are actually looking for total package in a cell phone and hence the marketers such as Apple and Samsung decided to launch smart phones. The same principles can be applied in case of automobile manufactures also, in the initial days, very few automobile manufacturers used to provide financing and hence the customers had to look for other means to go for financing. But now all most all the companies provide the facility of car financing. This again shows the importance of understanding the customer demand. To conclude things it can be said that the marketers do not force the
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Milk Is Not Good For You Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Milk Is Not Good For You - Essay Example In fact, being critical of milk in the United States is akin to attacking motherhood, baseball, or even apple pie. However, this is exactly what this paper seeks to do. Basing on research, on milk, from various journals and using the study results of various experienced doctors, one is best advised to avoid completely milk and milk products. While everyone likes a good, cold ice cream, the effects that it has on one’s health should influence decision-making (DuPuis 22). This paper will seek to explore the documented ill effects of milk and provide reasons for the avoidance of milk at all costs. In the medieval times, in England, parents would fasten the feet of rabbits around the necks of their babies to ward off illness. The doctors also believed that spitting on the wounds of a patient worked since saliva supposedly had healing properties. In fact, history is filled with many health beliefs that are not founded on fact and, to the detriment of society; the myth on milk is a common myth that is the most tenacious (Casabona & Epifanio 33). Milk and milk products are more than a simple drink; they are a cultural phenomenon, which is traceable through the last thousands of years. The myth on milk’s unending benefits is still resonating loud and clear with the average child in the United States consuming at least 104 quarts of milk and milk products (Casabona & Epifanio 33). This myth on milk has spread across the globe, and it has been based on the belief that this drink, rich in calcium and protein is fundamental in support of good overall health and, particularly, the health of bones at all ages (Tremblay & Gilbert 96). This confusion with regards to the benefits of milk, imaginary or not, can be understood as stemming from the fact that milk contains around 300 mg of calcium per cup. However, scientific studies indicate that there are detrimental assortments of health effects, which can be linked directly to the consumption of milk. The most surp rising of these links is that taking milk, in particular milk that has been pasteurized, does not lead to absorption of the present calcium. In fact, making matters even worse, drinking pasteurized milk leads to loss of calcium from the bones, which is ironical (Tremblay & Gilbert 96). Calcium loss from bones happens in several ways. The most serious happens because milk, like all proteins from animals, leads to a drop in blood pH that, in turn, leads to a biological correction (Walker et al 1011). This is because, while calcium is a good neutralizer of acid and the biggest calcium store in the mammalian body is the bones, the calcium that is required by the bones in order to stay healthy is needed to correct the acidification caused by milk. When this calcium is removed from mammalian bones, even after neutralization is through, it leaves the blood through the urine and leads to a net result of a calcium deficit in the body. It is for this reason that countries with low milk consum ption like Japan have relatively lower incidences of fractures afflicting their population. The sad truth, however, is that the majority of healthcare practitioners tend to ignore facts such as these that are proven. This leads to doctors prescribing lots of milk for patients who suffer from osteoporosis, which leads to a worsening of the population’
Monday, October 7, 2019
Theory of knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Theory of knowledge - Essay Example The sole purpose of philosophical idealisms also poses a major influence in dignifying its worthiness in the human society, which clearly avows that educating is not the purpose of philosophy, but the purpose is to develop understanding (Hacker 2005, 7-12). Yet, this principle notion of philosophy does not advocate it’s obsolescing from the reality or reasonability. With reference to Socrates’ method to verify the reasonability of a philosophical idealism, one should emphasize the underlying meaning of the words and the association of truth with the idealized thought (Davis 2011, 19-20). Plato also argued that the real worthiness of philosophical idealism lies in delivering a true meaning of the opinions formed and the knowledge gained from reality (Howe 2006, 1). Astonishingly, assertions made by Ludwig Wittgenstein, in his most debated work, â€Å"On Certainty†, lacks in terms of adjusting with the praxis of reasonability, as described in the Socratic method an d even befitting with the essence of ‘true knowledge’ avowed by Plato. In Wittgenstein’s notes, which was later published as a book by G. E. M. Anscombe, following his death, claims have been made to counter the significance of habitual as well as perpetual doubts practiced in contrast to every aspect of philosophic idealisms. One of his notes thus proclaimed, â€Å"From its seeming to me - or to everyone - to be so, it doesn't follow that it is so. What we can ask is whether it can make sense to doubt it†(Wittgenstein 1969, 140). In his notes, Wittgenstein also argued that such practices must be rejected in most cases, if not in all; because doubts, as a form of philosophical skepticism, entrench into the beliefs in a radical form, contradicting the same ideology that articulated the grounds of those doubts. In his another note, Wittgenstein postulates, The statement â€Å"I know that here is a hand†may then be continued: â€Å"for it's my hand that I'm looking at.†Then a reasonable man will not doubt that I know. - Nor will the idealist; rather he will say that he was not dealing with the practical doubt which is being dismissed, but there is a further doubt behind that one. - That this is an illusion has to be shown in a different way (Wittgenstein 1969, 141). Many critics have thus far argued in contradiction as well as in agreement to these connotations. What remains common in most of these theses is the lack of understanding of Wittgenstein’s idealism, which is apparent in the way it is portrayed with some shallow illustrations. Perhaps, it is this gap that gave rise to the limitations of Wittgenstein’s arguments in contrast to the significance of philosophical skepticism. THESIS STATEMENT The lacuna of Wittgenstein’s arguments contrary to the practice of making doubts in philosophical ideologies becomes apparent when it is measured on the basis of Plato’s as well as Socrates’ methods of deriving a worthy result within the realm of philosophy. Based on this understanding, the thesis will argue that Wittgenstein’s idealism, as translated by G. E. Moore, lacks owing to its nature of fallacy being idealized on the basis of illustrations that either represent a universal truth or exemplify incontrovertible aspects to which, no contradictions apply as those are already proven, justified and accepted. In other
Sunday, October 6, 2019
History assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
History - Assignment Example eror got to the conclusion that the Byzantium was too weak to take its lost territories by itself and appealed to the Christian states of Western Europe for help. The assistance and the process of gathering the states to deploy the call to help the Byzantine Emperor by the Christians and other Christian stares was the beginning of the crusades. The report by the Byzantine to the Pope requesting the aid to bring back the lost territories revealed to the Pope that the Orthodox Church and the Eastern Empire were weak. he thought that if he sent assistance he could possibly reunite the churches under his authority. The process of preaching the peace and the need for reunion through France was through the crusades (Shepkaru 4). After the launch of crusade by Pope Urban, the armies left and captured Jerusalem and the Muslims were displaced. They captured the lands around Jerusalem. They curved the lands and made small kingdoms for themselves and this just lasted for a while. Most of the European leaders got strong grid and gained influence of the land to form stable governments. Christians re-founded the humanity of Jesus as the veneration of the artifact became more popular: however, some of the Christians lost their properties, lives and loved ones (Shepkaru 14). Reformations in the religious sectors were caused by the corruption of the church. The Catholic Church involved itself through the leaders to corruption by selling the indulgences and nepotism. The questioning of the church traditions by the Renaissance Humanism, which challenged the pope over the virtues of salvation and his take on the same also led to reformation of Christianity. The influence of the religious reformers who questioned and revoked the sacraments while focused on the purpose of communicating with God also gave the proof that more were hidden in the church and compelled people to reform from the Catholic Church (Perkins 3). The spread of the ideas of the reformers were through the book
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Life in the City Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Life in the City - Essay Example This perspective, which removes urban places from the context of their societies, may be appropriate to what these disciplines wish to learn of and from the city. Engels underlines that urban settings has a negative impact on an individual and his morals. He writes that: "the brutal indifference, the unfeeling isolation of each in his private interest, becomes the more repellant and offensive, the more these individuals are crowded together". Such an approach is less useful in anthropology, however. For cross-cultural comparisons and analyses of urban development, the city must be treated as only one of many social institutions such as kinship, religion, and subsistence activity that anthropologists always have conceptualized as parts of a socio-cultural whole. A spirit of independence and autonomy, a desire for innovation, a predilection for social status based on achievement rather than birth, and a sense of community beyond the family or kin group are characteristics often associated with the city. In this view, urban places become centers of social change, economic development, and personal freedom in contrast to conservative, ascriptive, and traditional rural settlements. Cities are thus perceived as sources of novel economic and productive arrangements and new political orders that challenge the fabric of society. The ideological approach thus studies the "rules" that compose the cultural roles of cities and their societies. It investigates the derivation of these rules outside the city or their diffusion from the urban sphere into the cultural setting (Engels). Whyte pays a special attention to increased poverty in urban settings and slums as a dominant feature of the eastern city. Whyte writes: "People appear as social work clients, as defendants in criminal cases or as undifferentiated members of the masses". It is possible to say that the ideological and interactional roles and links between cities and societies are not unchanging. Therefore the concept of "adaptation" must be added to introduce a dynamic aspect. Cities are and always have been in a continual process of adjustment to their external socio-cultural environments. "Environment" in this context does not directly involve physical circumstances affecting the city, such as water supply, soil type, and rainfall average. Following Durkheim and Tonnies, with a specifically urban population and a distinctly urban pattern of social organization, the administrative city is further from the rural countryside in ideology and life-style than the regal-ritual type is. The patterns of belief and social life, the cultural "rules" of the state society, may remain basically the same in village and city. The urban area, on the other hand, concentrates a sophistication--an elaborateness of custom and ideology--that mark it off sharply from the rural zone. Rather than a hiatus in belief, rather than an antagonism based on wholly different urban and rural patterns, the administrative city is simply so much more than its rural environs that rural areas appear culturally denuded, socially deficient, and ideologically backward by comparison. The city may still reflect the countryside, but it does so with such intensity that it appears to have its own independent luminosity. Durkheim underlines that: "solidarity in indu strial society is based not on uniformity bit on difference". The industrial city becomes a node of the power and
Friday, October 4, 2019
Gender-role in Advertisement Essay Example for Free
Gender-role in Advertisement Essay This paper explores gender-role in modern advertisement. Sample modern-day advertisements will be analyzed in relation to gender-roles. Gender-role refers to a person’s way of actions and thinking that is identified as either related to male or female characteristics (Haig, 2004). It is a set of expectations on how females or males should think, behave, and feel. It is in the adolescence stage that male and females start to define their roles while their gender is intensified by conformity to transitional gender-roles in during puberty (Hill Lynch, 1983), which indirectly signals that they begin to act in ways that resemble the stereotypic female or male of their culture (Huston Alvarez, 1990). In addition to the demands of work and changing trends in the society and the increased number of employed mothers in the mid twentieth century, adolescents exposure to the media is considered to have a possible impact on their attitudes and perceptions about gender relationships, identity formation, and gender-roles (ODonnell ODonnell, 1978; Durkin, 1986; Lovdal, 1989; Richards Duckett, 1994; Dietz, 1998; Hovland et al. , 2005). The effects of advertisements to the perpetuation of gender-role stereotypes have received considerable importance in research and it has been debated whether it stereotyped advertisements have long term or short term impact on people’ own gender-role and whether advertisements with stereotypic portrayals gain more profit or does not have significant influence in people’s buying behavior at all. Effects of media in gender-role There are many factors that that affect gender-role development and the media is considered to be one (Golombok Fivush, 1994; Durkin, 1995). Dietz (1998) asserted that the media, in addition to environmental or social factors, affects people’s perception of gender-roles. The impact of advertising on audiences is often explained by social learning theory or by theories that are based on it. The argument is that, as people are repeatedly exposed to advertising images, they tend to internalize the advertisers views of themselves and others. The more ubiquitous the images are in advertisements, and the more frequently they see the advertisements, the deeper the audience identifies with the images. In addition to social learning theory (Bandura, 1977), framing research or frame analysis, introduced Goffman (1974), was used to obtain empirical evidence regarding the effects of media portrayals in people’s thoughts and consciousness. Framing assumes that the media frame reality is used to explain how people perceive and think about gender-roles because of the things they see and experience. Framing is used as a remedy sort in selecting a particular aspect of a perceived reality in order to emphasize, convey, or interpret something. However, framing may directly or indirectly influence people’s judgments on recognizing ideas presented in advertisements (Entman, 1993). Another issue on the effects of media is identified by Mead (1962) in his theory, arguing that individuals’ characterizations in the media affect children’s attitudes, relationships with other people, and behavior expectations. When traditional feminine or masculine roles become distinctive and children starts to identify with a particular gender-role, they are likely to expect specific characteristics and behaviors from females and males. Gender-role stereotyping negatively affects young individuals’ attitudes towards males and females since traditional portrayals of women are usually portrayed as dependent, obtaining approval from family and males, weak, victims, supportive of mens roles, sex objects, and adornment rather than individuals (Hall, Iijima Crum 1994; Artz, Munger, Purdy, 1999). As a result, these negative or substandard characteristics of women adversely affect children’s perception that women may ever find it difficult to attain gender equality and function as effective as men do in the society. This female portrayal restricts young females to think of achieving beyond their potential because many attributes, activities and traits are being designated as inappropriate for their gender (Dietz, 1998). Traditional stereotyped gender-role portrayals in advertisements Most advertisements portrayed both males and females stereotypically. Since 1950s, significant changes in gender-roles have occurred as the division of labor has become less distinctive and the entry of increased number of women into the workforce where professional positions, which were used to be exclusively for men, have opened opportunity for them to progress. Images of men and women in advertising in the early times have been heavily stereotyped. Men were depicted as independent, active, assertive, work-oriented while women were portrayed as dependent, passive, and domestic. Advertisements in the 1970s to 1980s continued to portray gender-stereotyping due to the difficulty of presenting people without specific gender-roles, especially when advertising specific products of particular gender. The strategies of advertisers in attracting people’s intentions and behaviors were more likely to favor gender-stereotyped representation since the public was more familiar and comfortable with gender-stereotyped advertisements (Morrison Shaffer, 2003). Gender portrayals in the context of advertisements were found to be predominantly stereotypic with dominant males and nurturing females in the mass media, music, film, as well as the print media. Although changes in the society and culture have been apparent, advertisements still rely upon women’s roles as subordinate. Women’s subordination was a useful tool in selling a wide variety of products such as alcohol, medicine, cigarettes, perfume, and vehicles. Constant exposure to derogatory portrayals of females in advertisements may result to socially induced depression and lowered levels of aspirations in achieving ones goals. Women portrayal as subordinates has been consistently practiced and presented in advertising until today although some changes and reversions have been observed (Mclaughlin Goulet, 1999). Advertisements usually portray men as being strong who are expected to have jobs that require much physical strength. They are portrayed as being the authority, dominant, having higher intelligence, becoming public figures, belonging to upper-middle class, being able to take medicine, law or business courses, aggressive, and sometimes gentlemen or bad guys. At home, men are portrayed to use car wax, auto parts, carpentry tools, motor oil, and lawn mowers. Women are rarely depicted as professionals in advertisements (Dietz, 1998). When women in advertisements are presented as professionals or experts in the products they advertise, they are often backed up by male figure or an authoritative male voice-over to strengthen the efficiency of convincing the audience since males were viewed as the authority (Lovdal, 1989). In traditional male magazines (e. g. , Esquire and Field Stream), gender-role stereotyped advertisements that portrayed men with masculine or manly activities have not decreased as much as the traditional female and general interest magazines. Although there have been some trends toward less stereotypic portrayals of masculine images in some print media advertisements, the traditional stereotype of the male gender still provides cultural representation (Furnham Thomson, 1999) Women are stereotypicly depicted in relation to beauty, physical attraction, family, domestic responsibilities, parenting, occupations such as teacher, waitress, masseur, bride, actress, secretary, vendor, household cleaners, maid, model, guest relations officer, and the like, as well as negative representation like evil, witch, possessions of men, passive, deferent, object for men’s pleasure. At home, women are portrayed to take care of every member, do all the chores, and maintaining relationships. They are often portrayed as supportive wives, mothers, sex objects, dependents, lack exploration, skills, knowledge, credibility, self-expression, and sense of mastery. Advertisers market products in magazines, like in television, using young, professional women as a product of beauty techniques and methods in order to attract and keep handsome, lucrative, and sophisticated men. Comic strips and children’s books also continued to adopt and support traditional portrayals of women in the society. For instance, illustrations show traditional female activities or a situation in which there is a dutiful wife in the bathroom or kitchen wearing an apron to model cleaning products, kitchen wares and appliances or food (Dietz, 1998; Peirce, 2001).
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