Monday, September 30, 2019
Happy Endings Essay
In the short story Happy Endings by Margaret Atwood the author displays how plot can affect characterization, or the reader’s perceptions of characters, by showing several different scenarios using the same characters but different plot lines. For example, plot B, although it uses the same characters, creates very different perceptions of those characters than the ones created in plot A. In plot A, John and Mary appear to be in love, and they appear to be happy. The plot seems to indicate this; â€Å"John and Mary fall in love and get married. They both have worthwhile jobs which they find exciting and challenging. â€Å"They buy a charming house. From the sequence of events revealed, we are led to believe that John and Mary are two ordinary people with good lives and a healthy relationship. However, in plot B, this perception changes, even though it is told with the same characters. In this story, the reader perceives John as a selfish jerk who shamelessly uses Mary, and Mary as a poor girl with a weak will. â€Å"Mary falls in love with John but John doesn’t fall in love with Mary. He merely uses her body for selfish pleasure and ego gratification of a tepid kind. †This sequence of events leads the reader to conclude very different things about the characters than in the first plot. The plot structure is set so the audience is always changing his or her perceptions. There are some interesting themes that develop from this short story. One theme could be the idea of what the middle class values as important. Version A seems to sum up what the middle class expects life to be and thinks life should be. Another theme is the Inevitability of Death mentioned in version F. This is the idea that death can’t be avoided no matter what as stated in the story over and over again â€Å"John and Mary die. †This is definitely the main thought behind the entire short story.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Triple X Syndrome
Tracie Emmerich Professor Debbie Seale Biology 101 TR, 8:30-11:30 am 3/6/2012 Triple X Syndrome Triple X Syndrome is a sex chromosome abnormality in which there are three X chromosomes instead of the usual two found in most females. Triple X Syndrome is also known as Trisomy X, Triplo X Syndrome, and XXX Syndrome. The first published report of a woman with a karyotype with a 47, XXX was by Patricia A. Jacobs in 1959 at a hospital in Scotland. Most people have 46 chromosomes, occurring in 23 pairs. These chromosomes contain genes, which carry instructions that determine everything from your height to your eye color.One of these chromosome pairs determines your sex. You receive one sex chromosome from your mother and another from your father. Your mother can give you only an X chromosome, but your father can pass on an X or a Y chromosome. If you receive an X chromosome from your father, the XX pair makes you genetically a female. Females with Triple X syndrome have a third X chromosom e. Triple X syndrome usually results from an error in the formation of a mother's egg cell or a father's sperm cell. Sometimes, triple X syndrome occurs as a result of an error early in the embryo's development.Although this condition is genetic, it's typically not inherited. Instead, what usually happens is that either the mother's egg cell or the father's sperm cell has not formed correctly, resulting in an extra X chromosome. This random error in egg or sperm cell division is called nondisjunction. Nondisjunction is a random event and is not caused by anything either of the baby’s parents did or by any medications they may have taken. When the cause is a malformed egg cell or sperm cell, as is usually the case, all the body's cells have the extra chromosome.In the mosaic form, only some of the body's cells have the third X chromosome. Because only some cells contain the extra X chromosome, females with the mosaic form of triple X syndrome may have less severe symptoms. Tri ple X Syndrome occurs in about 1 out of every 1,000 girls born in the United States. It is estimated that between five and ten girls are born with the condition each day. As far as it is known, the syndrome is equally common in all racial and ethnic groups. The only known risk factor is the mother’s age.Women who are 35 years old or older when they become pregnant are at an increased risk of having a daughter with Triple X Syndrome. Because of the lyonization, (the process by which or the condition in which all X chromosomes of the cells in excess of one are inactivated on a random basis )inactivation and formation of a Barr body, in all female cells, only one X chromosome is active at any time. Thus, Triple X syndrome most often causes no unusual physical features or medical problems. If symptoms do appear, they may include: 1. Tall stature: Taller than other girls and women in the family 2.Small head (microcephaly) Microcephaly is a medical condition in which the circumfere nce of the head is smaller than normal because the brain has not developed properly or has stopped growing. Microcephaly can be present at birth or it may develop in the first few years of life. 3. Slightly lower weight at birth 4. Epicanthal folds: An epicanthal fold is skin of the upper eyelid  from the nose to the inner side of the eyebrow  that covers the inner corner (canthus) of the eye 5. Delayed development of certain motor skills, speech and language 6.Although rarely exhibiting severe mental impairments, Triple X Syndrome females have an increased risk of learning disabilities such as dyslexia, delayed speech, deficient language skills and delayed development of motor skills. It is possible that learning disabilities and/or delayed development could eventually lead to a variety of other issues, including academic problems, stress, and poor socialization skills that cause social isolation. 7. Weak muscle tone and delayed motor skills: poor coordination, awkw ardness 8. Menstrual irregularities 9. Increased rick of depression 10. Less assertive and quieter than most girls 1. Intelligence (IQ) may be slightly lower than that of other girls and women in the family although mental retardation is unusual. 10-15 points below siblings. Other possible, though much rarer, complications that may occur include: 1. Premature ovarian failure or ovary abnormalities. When the ovaries stop working before the expected age of menopause, there's a decline in the production of certain hormones and eggs are no longer released by the ovaries each month. This can cause infertility. Additionally, girls and women with triple X syndrome may have malformed ovaries. 2. Seizures.Girls and women with triple X syndrome may develop a seizure disorder. 3. Kidney abnormalities. Females born with triple X syndrome may also have abnormally developed kidneys or may have only one kidney. â€Å"There are even rare cases when a female with Triple X syndrome is affected by ch anges such as behavioral problems, midfacial hypoplasia, wide-set eyes, amenorrhea, posteriorly rotated ears, small head, long head, small lower jaw, expressionless face, prominent forehead, enamel hypoplasia, widely spaced nipples, small hands, small feet, kyphosis, lordosis, reduced muscle tone, and mental retardation. There are seldom any observable physical anomalies in Triple X females, other than being taller than average. Most women with Triple X have normal sexual development. Some experience an early onset of menstruation. Triple X women are rarely diagnosed, apart from pre-natal testing methods, unless they undergo amniocentesis and blood tests for medical reasons later in life. Most medical professionals do not regard the condition as a disability.However, if mild delays are present, such status can be sought by parents for early intervention treatment The chromosome change that causes triple X syndrome cannot be repaired, so the syndrome itself has no cure. Also because it is thought to be caused by a by a spontaneous genetic mutation rather than an inherited genetic defect, there is no way to prevent it. However, given the treatable nature of most symptoms and how frequently no symptoms appear at all, it's quite possible to lead a full and normal life despite having this syndrome.Because people with triple X syndrome may be more susceptible to stress, it's important to make sure a female with Triple X Syndrome has a supportive environment as well. Psychological counseling may help, both by teaching their families useful methods of demonstrating love and encouragement, and by discouraging behaviors that they might not realize are negative. According to a Danish researcher who started one of the first Triple X Syndrome support groups in the world, â€Å"If the conditions are good, stable, and stimulating†¦. learning problems rarely have any serious consequences.However, most Triple X girls need remedial teaching at school at one time or anothe r, and it is important they get this help if and when they need it. †The prognosis for girls with this syndrome is generally good. They are not at increased risks of other diseases as far as it is known and have a normal life expectancy. They are less likely to complete college than other girls, but almost all can finish high school with speech therapy or other additional help. While a few may have some social difficulties,. most are able to join the work force, marry, and start families in adult life.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Honor Killing
I believe that the murder of Desdemona was an honor killing. Othello thought that Desdemona brought him dishonor and gave him a bad reputation. While Othello was manipulated into murdering Desdemona, he was the one that had the physical choice. Iago constantly agreed with Othello, saying that Othello should kill Desdemona. This influenced Othello’s decision, but it was ultimately Othello that chose why he should or shouldn’t kill Desdemona. His choice was based off of his own reputation. He loved Desdemona, but after one rumor he decided to murder her because of what others would think.He believes â€Å"she must die, else she’ll betray more men†[V, ii, 6] and he later admits that he is â€Å"almost persuade[d] justice to break her sword†[V, ii, 16-17]. He tells Desdemona to â€Å"think on [her] sins†, trying to get her to realize that he would kill her for having an affair [V, ii, 43]. When he thought to kill Cassio, however, he was seeking revenge. He asked Iago, â€Å"how shall I murder him†[IV, i, 136]. It is more contemplated and decided than Desdemona. The contrasts between his thoughts on the two were considerable. Othello’s immediate thought about Cassio was â€Å"kill him†but he was more torn up about Desdemona.When explaining why he killed her to Emilia, he said â€Å"she turn'd to folly, and she was a whore†[V, iii, 146]. He didn’t care to listen to Desdemona. Othello killed her because he thought there was no other way to repair his reputation. He couldn’t live with the shame of an unfaithful wife. It was his honor versus his love, and he chose honor. This turns out to be the main theme of the story. If reputation were not a factor, Desdemona would not be dead. In the end of Othello, reputation trumps all else. Othello killed Desdemona out of shame, making the murder an honor killing.
Friday, September 27, 2019
International law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International law - Essay Example nst peace if it â€Å"takes place or occurs in the context of or is associated or linked with†an armed conflict, if the perpetrators are â€Å"aware of true or factual circumstances that led to the existence of†the said armed conflict.1 The armed conflict might involve either non-international or international characters. The non-international conflicts occur when â€Å"protracted armed violence among organized armed groups and governmental authorities within a given State or Nation.†2 Internal conflicts or disturbances, for example riots and the sporadic The Article 7(1) as clarified in the Rome Statute indicates that any prohibited acts are crimes against humanity â€Å"when carried or committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack directed towards or against any the civilian population, with full knowledge of the attacks.†Prohibited acts constitute to crimes against humanity if the attacks were â€Å"systematic or widespread;†there were â€Å"attacks†consisting of multiple commissions of prohibited acts; the attacks were â€Å"directed against civilian populations;†and the attacks were carried out â€Å"in the furtherance of State or pursuant to or organizational policies.†4 Boko Haram is Nigerian homegrown radical Islamist insurgency group, whose name in Hausa translates to â€Å"Western education is forbidden†. The terror group has abducted more than 500 girls and women from the northern regions of Nigerian as from 2009; the group has perpetrated countless human rights abuses against their hostages in captivity. The 2014, April 14th abduction of 276 girls from Chibok’s secondary school in, rural town in the Borno State, gave the much-needed spotlight on their increasing scourge (HRW, 2014). There are limited efforts in investigating and prosecuting Boko Haram personnel implicated in violations of the human rights law. However, since 2009, the Nigerian security forces have successfully arrested many people suspected to be involved in Boko Haram’s
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Chinese contract law and the economic reform Essay
Chinese contract law and the economic reform - Essay Example The paper delves into how China’s previous contract laws had many contradictions and failed to meet the needs of China’s developing market economy. It then looks at why China needs a good legal system for economic reform, why a legal system is important for economic reform and what the relationship between them is. Lastly, the paper looks at why Chinese people still do not have confidence for china's law system and how the government has attempted to address the problem. Influence of Confucianism in Ancient and Present China Confucianism which means ‘The School of the Scholars,’ is the cornerstone of traditional Chinese based on the traditional culture of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. It is attributed to K’ung Fu Tzu (Confucius in English) was born in 551 BCE in the state of Lu (modern day Shantung Province). He became the most influential and respected philosopher in Chinese history and his discourses were written by his disciples in the Analects. Confucianism combines a political theory and a theory of human nature, resulting in a prescriptive doctrine or way (dao). The political theory is based on the idea that the legitimate ruler derives authority from heaven's command, or the mandate of heaven, and is responsible for the peoples' well-being and for peace and order in the empire. In terms of human nature, humans are essentially social animals whose ways of interaction are shaped by convention or ritual (li), which prescribe proper behavior for a given situation. Good government is one that values hierarchy, group orientation, and respect for age and tradition. He also argued that societal order and harmony can be achieved if everyone understood their rank in society and were taught the proper behaviors of their rank.2 His teachings spread and was accepted across China and by around 100BC, the Han Dynasty declared Confucianism to be China’s official state philosophy. During the Tang Dynasty, however, it lost its offi cial sanction but over the last two millennia, Confucianism has remained the dominant orthodoxy in Chinese society. It thus affected everything in China; education, government, public and private attitudes and, etiquette.3 His writings deal primarily with individual morality and ethics, and the proper exercise of political power by the rulers. Confucian ethical teachings include such values as: Li (includes ritual, propriety, etiquette); Hsiao (love within the family: love of parents for their children and of children for their parents); Yi (righteousness); Xin (honesty and trustworthiness); Jen (benevolence, humaneness towards others; the highest Confucian virtue); and Chung (loyalty to the state). His vision centered on respect children show to their parents; the high regard given elders and lawful authority figures; and an appreciation for learning, protocol and ceremony.4 Confucianism has influenced the Chinese attitude toward life, set the patterns of living and standards of so cial value, and provided the background for Chinese political theories and institutions. Confucianism promotes collective interests and community welfare through emphasis of the educational or remolding process in serving the common good of the society. This concept is still upheld in China to date as seen in the government’s attempts to serve the people and reduce the big gap between first tier cities and lower tier cities.5 Confucianism also projects the concept of harmony which states that oneself must live in harmony with everything around him and stay free of guilt or sin. In order to create harmony people should use what create order and harmony amongst all things by using all the knowledge the world could
Amsterdam tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Amsterdam tourism - Essay Example tions, tourists are people that travel to and stay in different places that are not their usual environment for a period that exceeds one year for reasons of business, leisure and other reasons altogether (Sharpley 2006, 16). Currently, tourism has become an important and famous global activity undertaken by people during their leisure. In fact, tourism has become one of the leading sources of income in many countries that have created sustainable systems and structures to attract people to view and experience the tourism potential of their countries. During the economic recession in the late 2000s, tourism is one of those industries that were adversely affected, this was during the better part of 2008 until the better part of 2009. Additionally, the outbreak of some of the deadliest diseases affects the tourism industry as people reduce their travelling for leisure or business purposes. Other activities like terrorism also play an important part in influencing people’s travel patterns and behavior across the world (Thompson & Travlou 2007, 48). countries that have enough and varied sceneries stand a better chance to attract people from different parts of the world. This paper examines the tourism potential of Amsterdam City in the Netherlands. It focuses on the internal and external factors influencing the city’s tourism potential. Amsterdam is one of the most populous, as well as the capital of Netherlands. The status of Amsterdam as the capital of Dutch has been provided for in the Netherland’s constitution (Catling 2006, 18). Amsterdam, as the capital of Dutch has a population of approximately 813,562 people in the city-proper. The city’s urban region has about 1, 112, 165 people, while the larger metropolitan area comprises of 1, 575, 263. Amsterdam city is strategically located in the heart of Europe, making it one of the most important tourism in Europe. In fact, the city has often been described as alpha city of the world according to the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Compare and contrast Saint Martin- the french half and Sint Essay
Compare and contrast Saint Martin- the french half and Sint Maarten-the dutch half - Essay Example A few years later though Spain regained this territory, after an era of conflict, the Island fell to the hands of the Dutch and the French, who shared it between them ( French laws and constitution govern Saint Martin. Chief of State is the French President. The members of the Territorial Council elect president of the Territorial Council. Saint Martin also elects one seat to the French Senate. Frommer’s travel guide (Porter and Prince, 2005, p.587) has stated that Sint Maarten which used to be a sleepy Caribbean backwater, is now a booming town with its duty paid shops making it a virtual mall. Cruise-ship crowds make the scene more chaotic but all these indicate the economic upward rise of this part of the Island. But the French part of the island is much quieter. French Saint Martin is governed directly from Gaudelope and has representation in the government in Paris. (Porter and Prince, 2005, p.587). In 2003, the population of Saint Martin Island and Saint Barthelemy Island voted to secede from Gaudeloupe, the name that represented the whole Island nation. (Caribbean Net News, 2003). In 2007, the French portion of the Island also became an overseas collectivity. Saint Martin was accessed to Europian Union later via the treaty of Lisbon. (Treaty of Lisbon, 2007, p.152). Language of the Sint Maarten side is officially Dutch and The St. Martin side is officially French. But English is the most common language throughout the island. Spanish, French Patois, and Papiamento, a dialect of Netherlands Antilles are spoken by small segments of the population. It is on the Dutch islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curasao, Papiamento is preferred as the first language (Sullivan, 2003, p.15) Dutch is the language used on Sint Maarten as the learning medium in schools and as the official administration language.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Economics - Essay Example In an oligopoly market structure there are a limited number of firms operating in the marketplace. In the market structure in which Ford operates the barriers of entry are high (Amosweb, 2011). This is one of the reasons why there are a limited number of participants in the auto industry. One of the major barriers of entry is capital. It takes billions of dollars to create the infrastructure necessary to become an auto maker. The learning curve to become efficient at producing cars is long, thus experience is extremely important. The price elasticity of demand in the auto industry is medium. Customers care about price, but there are lots of other features that add value such as reliability, warranty, luxury, and performance which ultimately determine the price point of the automobile. A strategy Ford has used in the last couple of years is introducing hybrid vehicle models. One of its best selling models is the Ford Fusion Hybrid. The economic profits in an oligopoly market structure depend on the other players (Answers, 2011). For example when one company has clearance sales, other firms follow and implement similar strategies. Players in oligopoly markets such as Ford have power over their suppliers. References (2011). Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition. Retrieved March 7, 2011 from Annual Report: Ford Motor (2009).
Monday, September 23, 2019
Sociology of human rights - Explore and assess the challenges of Essay
Sociology of human rights - Explore and assess the challenges of cultural relativism and cultural imperialism in the context of - Essay Example However, such a deterministic view of universality is destined to be unsuccessful as it was in the case of development theory (Donnelly, 2007). According to Barr (2002), consequently, cultural relativists are often similarly deterministic, arguing the permanence and fixity of traditional culture. Specifically, in the aftermath of the Second World War, when human rights became a component of international affairs and political scheme as a result of the Holocaust, the universal human rights theory became ever more detached from its previous socioeconomic and cultural ties (Doebbler, 2004). Theorists such as John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin, and Maurice Cranston argue that political and civil rights are natural, and are privileges for everyone (Bruun & Jacobsen, 2000). However, these rights have been interpreted as theoretical legal rights, thus assigning a value to equality without thought on the required condition for the accessibility of such rights, either institutionally or concerning th e socioeconomic prerequisites (Brannigan, 2000) fundamental to their attainment. Moreover, social and economic privileges were discounted at some point in the Cold War period by political leaders and Western intellectuals as only a great deal of Soviet expression to fight the West’s stress on political and civil rights and individual liberties (Brannigan, 2000). Community, the heart of the argument of cultural relativists, was absent in the framework of universal human rights. The system of communism is frequently viewed as repressive and a defiance of genuine human nature (Hashimoto, 2004). In other words, it can be claimed that the advocates of universality have deconstructed political and civil rights, which are allowed to churn in their own dimension, as scholars discuss the details of their arguments (Hashimoto, 2004), which are frequently enveloped in moral principles. The objective of this essay is to review and discuss the debate on the universality of human rights. T he discussion will be composed of a comprehensive analysis of the arguments and danger of cultural relativism and cultural imperialism, specifically in the context of the Asian values debate. The Debate between Universalists and Relativists Basically, cultural relativists claim that basic values or rights are specific to a culture and that the collective, and not the individual, is the core social component (Pollis & Schwab, 2000). An individual’s identity is rigid, reliant on group membership, and the role and status of an individual in this community (Bruun & Jacobsen, 2000). A contemporary Western creation, the rhetoric of rights, is absent in most instances. Interpersonal ties are ruled by a mutuality of disproportionate duties and privileges, which are varied, similar to their core behavioral norms and values (Brannigan, 2000). Nevertheless, what is widespread is that concepts like legal equality, free will, or individualism are foreign, usually hollow notions. The indiv idual is included within the collective whose interests and security has dominance, though the specifics of what comprises the collective good differ (Bell, Nathan & Peleg, 2001). As stated by Sloane (2001), basic to the collective structure is a network of alternative cultural and/or philosophic ideals that furnish legality and authenticity to the social order. Developing Clifford Geertz’
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Family and friends Essay Example for Free
Family and friends Essay Katherine had done exercise which was more than necessary. She went to the gym about 5 times a week, which had really been a waste of time, as she was underweight and there was no need for her to exercise. This is because she did not have many calories which needed to be burnt off by exercising. Her diet was mainly made up of; unnourished foods and she did not eat as much as she did not either have the time, or did not enjoy eating at all. She was anorexic and also had the eating disorder of being bulimic. Although, my client is a very clean and hygienic person; she likes working in areas which are clean, and thought this was very important. However, my client was a very heavy smoker and alcoholic. Intellectually: My client worked 6 days a week and only gets Sundays off to spend with her family and friends. Although, the Sunday Katherine sort off she did not make any use of it as she slept most of the day as she was very tired. My client was a very independent person, and did not at all try to be dependents he did not think she was self-worth and she had a low self esteem. Katherine was often stressing about either work or her family this made her become a very paranoid and anxious person. However she was a very hard working person. Emotionally: Katherine was always depressed because, she is always being caught up in her work. My client does have the ability to go out and socialize; but feels that she does not have the confidence to go out and make new friends. By doing this she thinks bad of herself, which makes her feel disappointed about herself. Katherine was always sad and unhappy, most of the day which did not improve her motherly skills with her children. Socially: My client had some friends but didnt have a close nor good relationship with both her family and friends. And had a problem against talking to other people and making new friends, as she did not feel self-worth and didnt have the self-esteem to boost her confidence. She wouldnt organize day trips to enjoy her holidays, and whenever she tried something would go wrong. AFTER: My client- Katherine Lewis But now my client is doing more of this. Physically: Katherine now does a regular amount of exercise. My client takes part in more exercise activities; she has also widened her variety in activities, which has been really good for her physical status. She takes part in things like: swimming, aerobics, dance- for about an hour each session, and jogging, walking for about- 30 minutes each day. Katherine has improved her diet dramatically as, she now eats more than usual and has a very spread out and balanced diet plan. Her diet is mainly made up of now, more nutritious and healthy foods; she also replaced her diet of made up of mostly liquids, to fruits and nuts. On the whole Katherine has a stable weight which is really good for her body, and is slowing becoming a much healthier person from before. Intellectually: My client now gets up earlier and goes to bed quicker, as this refreshes her for the morning activities which lay ahead of her. This also gives her the opportunity to think straight, and get ready for the challenges which may come ahead of her. She has begun thinking more about the positive things in life, rather than always thinking about the negative sides of things. She has stopped stressing so much about her work and home life, so this gives her a better view upon things, such as how to go solve a problem, or how to spend more time with the family. Her intellectual thinking skills, has improved massively, as she feels more confident about herself. Emotionally: Katherine goes out more, and opens up her feelings much more than she used to. She feels that she has become a more self-assured person, so this encourages her more to go out and spend some time with her family and friends. My client, who used to feel that she had no one to discuss problems with, has now realised that her family and friends are always there to talk to and to confide with. She used to always be depressed, but now has found resolutions to that, and is happier than before. She emotionally is aware that she has many people around her, who will support and provide her with company if she ever needs it. Overall, my client is a supplementary joyful person, than before. Socially: Katherine has now started socializing more than she used to. She invites family and friends over to her house, to get to know them better. This has assisted her a lot, in her socializing skills; she goes out more and has meet many new friends; which are all from different backgrounds. She has the confidence, and the assurance to create a relationship with new people.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A Review On Internet Cafe Networks Information Technology Essay
A Review On Internet Cafe Networks Information Technology Essay This assignment is based on the network implementation of internet cafe which is based near the campus of University of East London. We have to design and implement a network and describe the Local Area Network and Wide Area Network management. We have to describe the cost effectiveness solutions with software and hardware we use in this network with justifications. Different layers will also be discussed at different stages in this assignment. Different IP schemes and other network suggestions will be discussed. This assignment also includes conclusion and references of the research used to build this assignment. Research method plays an important role in this assignment. Introduction to ARPANET: Advance Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) is the worlds first Network which gives Packet Switching and allows access over network widely. Packet switching helps in establishing a communication link. It was started in the mid 1968. It started through LAN. Phenomenon of Internet cafe: We have to work on internet cafe project which is close to University of East London. This cafe is exists on three floors, and we have to connect or share 75 computers in cost effective solutions. These all computers should be registered with the single IP address. OSI layers have to been defined at different stages on the network. TCP/IP systems relate to local area network and the internet. This network has to been defined using network layout diagram. Network Cost and specifications: This project of internet cafe would require 75 computers, 1 router, 4 switches, LAN cables and 3 printers. A normal computer specification should be: 1 GB RAM At least 2.1 GHZ processor (Intel or Atom) 150 GB hard disk 17 Display Standard USB keyboard Standard USB mouse CD/DVD ROM This is normal system specifications which could be used in internet cafe and can be easily used by the customer. Normally when computers are purchased in bulk for a computer lab or internet cafe system, loyalty discount is normally given by that provider. This specification would estimate cost around  £250  £300 as according to Currys or PC world. Dell computers are normally recommended and purchasing from DELL can be more cost effective. Router We also have to use a router. As this is internet cafe connection, so there should be powerful router connection which could enable more surfers to use internet more easily. There is a router which has recently been launched (EDIMAX BR-6574n Wireless Gigabit Router) this is really power and is available at Currys store for  £80. Apart from that, there are other NETGEAR routers as well which range starts from  £30. Switches We would also need at least 4 switches. Cisco switches are normally recommended by engineers. They are quite fast and comply with the requirement of network. It normally costs around  £100. Some Belkin and Netgear switches are cheaper as well. LAN cable We wo uld need LAN cables to make connections overall on the network to connect computers with switches and router. RJ-45 connector cable is used for this purpose. A 50 meter Ethernet LAN cable costs about  £5. The more length would be needed, more prices would be increased. Printers We can also add Printers to the network. It is essential in network computers to have a printer but it is not recommended or compulsory. Normally Printer ranges from  £40 that is all in one, which is better for home and office purposes as it includes Printer, Scanner and Copier. Implementation of Network: We have to work on internet cafe. Cafe has 3 floors and we have arranged 75 computers over three floors. We have to place 3 computers for server purpose. We can divide 25 computers on three floors and also 3 computers as server on third floor. To make a network local, we connect computers first using switch. On first floor, we will place 25 computers, and we have connected these 25 computers using Fibre cable for LAN (Local Area Network). Also we need 3 printers to share on three floors and we connect 1 printer on each floor. We connect all 25 computers and 1 printer with switch. This process has to be repeated on three floors, and then we have to connect them with router. Server computers will be connected with router directly but through switch. When server is directly connected with router, it enables firewall implementation and sharing among the network with secure authentication. LAN is used to connect computers within local area and make a network between them. We use this network in this case to connect computers within the same building. After connecting them through LAN cable, we connect them to Switch. HUB is also called concentrator or multi station access unit (MAU). A normal hub contains 8 to 24 ports for the computers and other devices. It works as a multiple port repeater. It receives a digital signal and re amplifies or regenerates that signal. It then forwards the digital signal to all ports on the hub without looking at any data. Switch is also used for the same purpose as hub but it is more intelligent device. It operates at data link layer of OSI model. The biggest benefit of using switches instead of hubs is that each switch port has its own collision domain. Switch plays really an important role in network. Once they are connected with hub or switch, they will be connected with ROUTER. ROUTER ROUTER is a device which connects multiple networks using similar or different protocols. It manages the route between any two communication networks. IP address will remain the same because there is just one router and it will supply access to all four switches. Each Switch which is having 25 computers and 1 printer on three floors and third one is also having server computers on it will connect with switch which will lead to router. Each computer will have different IP but their ISP will be one only as this will be provided by service provider. After three sets of 75 computers and three printers connected with Switch which is connected to router, after this process we connect one more switch with router which has 3 server computers on it. One server would be file server or printer server, and one would be DHCP/Authentication/Certification server and DNS server. This server system would help in file or printer sharing along the network to protect the computers with firewall option and also to provide certification to computers for different task over the network. OSI OSI stands for Open System Interconnection. It is a set of protocols that allows any two different systems to communicate regardless of their underlying architectures. This physical connection of router with switch and computers comes in Physical Layer of OSI model. Physical layer relates the electrical, optical, mechanical and functional interface to the cable as it defines how the cable is attached to the network adaptor card. Connection of computers with Switch includes Data Link Layer of OSI model. It sends data frames from network later to physical layer. Router is supplying single IP address, and each computer has different IP address. This concept involves Network Layer of OSI model which is responsible for putting data segments into packets. Transport layer works after Network Layer which is responsible segmenting data. It ensures that packets are delivered free of errors with no loss. For implementation of Network especially of Internet cafe, some softwares have also been recommended. Cyber cafe management and installation of networking protocols like IPX, SPX and TCP/IP. This thing comes in Session Layer. The main purpose of session layer is to establish a connection through application running on two different computers. Presentation layer and Application layer are after session layer. Presentation layer is used to determine the format of exchanging the data among network. Application layer handles network access, control the flow and recover errors. Addressing Scheme: Addressing scheme plays an important role in network. TCP/IP, IPv4, IPv6 are essentials of Network scheme. They are normally set to default but they can be changed according to the requirements. Each network system must be identified as unique. This is done through MAC address of device. Each machine always has different IP address on the network. TCP/IP is known as transmission control protocol/Internet protocol. It is a technology that is used to manage the transmission of data by breaking it into packets. These packets travel through router. TCP/IP addressing scheme is used in implementation of this network. This network scheme is normally used for sharing of computers over the network and gives them internet access. IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) addressing scheme is really important in a network. The most important aspect of IPv4 is its size. It is most widely organized internet layer protocol. It is a connectionless protocol used for packet switching link layer. IPv4 can establish more than 256 connections. Its range starts from 0 255. This connection is really helpful in internet cafe setup. Normally IPv4 is set to default which detects IP automatically, but we can define IPv4 manually as well which can be allocated. Manual configuration can change IP of the system for some purposes as well. Sub-netting plays an important role in networking. It is a subdivision of an IP network or when the network is divided into several small networks. It results in logical division of an IP address. Subnetting an IP can be done for the various reasons which generally include different physical media, address space, security, control network traffic etc. Subnetting makes it easier to manage the smaller network as well. Subnet masks are also used with IP. Computer performs a bitwise logical AND operation between the address and subnet mask in order to find the Network Address or number. The general syntax for Subnetting is There are generally three classes used for Subnet masks Class A: Class B: Class C: Calculations of Network Subnetting: We have to implement a network with single registered IP which is given by our service provider. This is known an IP address. The default subnet mask for this one would be We have to implement 4 networks and they should be provided with different IP addresses. We use the following steps to find out the network and host computers over the network and range as well We use 8 bits for binary written form. = 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 This is default Subnet of network We have to implement four networks in a network, so we will do with 4 in binary 2 4 2 2 0 1 0 4 Decimal = 100 binary We will take 3 bits as a result of binary conversion from bit scale. The bit scale helps in implementing a network more easily 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 We will take 3 bits for new subnet mask and new Subnet mask will be 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000 This will be equal to Our new IP range will be This is our range of new 4 Networks made by Single registered IP. Network Layout Diagram: Analysis and Synthesis: This research is a conceptual base in which most of the prediction has also been used apart from research on different structures and equipments used in this setup. A concept has been taken from which shows the setup for the internet cafe. This is was quite helpful in equipment structure. This project has been designed to improve the performance of internet cafà © setup with compare to new technology as of library or lab network. Conclusion: This has been concluded from this project that it is reliable and secure network. It can easily give access to all the computers equally. There is less risk of virus spreading over the network as secure switches have been used which gives the high profile for Firewall and other activities. This project uses the latest technology routers and switches which enables the network to communicate more effectively. Also this project is cost effective, and it allows less cost to be spent over the network. Computers have been used with moderate specifications which are compatible to run over network properly.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Role of Risk Management in an Organisation
Role of Risk Management in an Organisation Task One – Individual Research Report The Task You are asked to research, critically examine and discuss the role of the ‘risk management’ function within an organisation. Examine and discuss the purpose of risk management within an enterprise. The purpose of risk management in an organization is to identify the possible problems before it occur in a business. Risk handling actions may be deliberated and raised as needed through the life of the creation or plan to alleviate opposing impacts on attaining objectives. Risk management is a constant and progressive process that is significant part of business. It address issues that endanger the achievement of objectives. Constant risk management method is practical to successfully expect and alleviate the risks that have serious impact on the plan. To have an effective risk management it should have a comprised aggressive and early risk documentation through the association and participation of related inventors. Technical issues are a main concern both early and during all plan stages. Risk management must deliberate both external and internal sources for schedule, cost, and technical risk. Examine and discuss the benefits of risk management within an enterprise There are a lot of benefits of risk management within an enterprise. Some of those are formation of a more risk that is focused on culture for the organization. In this the organization will implement ERM note that will increase the focus on risk. The senior ranks results in more conversation of risk at all levels. Discussion of risk and communication is recognized as a process to deliver information to senior management and also a way to segment risk information inside and through operations of the company. In that case it will let improved visions and decision making regarding risk at all levels. Regular risk reporting, ERM maintain better structure, broadcasting, and investigation of risks. Consistent reports can progress the focus of executive and directors by providing data that allows improved risk moderation decisions. Improved focus and perspective on risk. Efficient use of resources and effective coordination of regulatory and compliance matters. Examine and discuss each of the following risk management components explaining how they relate to the overall role of the ‘risk management’ function Reviewing of activities and internal environment The internal environment contains the manner of an organization, persuading the risks awareness of its people, and the foundation for all other people. It provide discipline and structure that the people will follow to avoid risk management. Internal environment factors include an individual’s risk management and it over sight by the board of directors its integrity, ethical values and competence of the individual. An organization’s internal environment has a significant impact on how enterprise risk management is implemented and functions on an ongoing basis. Setting objectives Objectives are set in every organization or business in order to evade risk management. Establishing a basis for operations, reporting, and compliance objectives. Every Individual have a different risks from internal and external sources, and a qualification active incident, documentation of risk assessment, and risk response to establish objectives aligned with the individual risk desire which drives risk tolerance levels for the object. Also objective is the guide that one business should follow in order to have a good outcome. Event identification Management identifies potential event that will affect the individual and determines whether they represent opportunities that might adversely affect the individual ability to successfully implement strategy and they will achieve their objectives. Event should be positive impact so that no rick will develop in individual which will lead the management assessment and response. Risk assessment with particular reference to the impact and likelihood of risk Risk assessment allows a person to deliberate the level to which potential events have an impact in achieving the objectives. In risk assessment it can be qualitative or quantitative methods wherein they can used questionnaires that they can distributed to the employee and the company or business owner will be able to determine what the risk management problem in the company. They will assess it together with the top management and the board to develop a certain solution that will help them in resolving the risk management. Risk response plans After assessing the relevant risk, management now determines how will respond. Responses may include risk avoidance, reduction, sharing, and acceptance. In seeing its response, management assesses the result on risk likelihood and impact, as well as costs and benefits. Management identifies any opportunities that might be available. At the completion of its risk response actions, management may have a view of individual risks and responses and their place with associated acceptance. Control activities Procedure and policies that help ensure that the management risk respond is carried out is the control activities. Also the activities happen all over the organization in all functions and levels. Control activities include a variety of activities such as reconciliations, authorizations, verifications, approval and reviews of operating performance also segregation of duties and security of assets. Control activities generally established to ensure risk responses are appropriately carried out by individual with respect to certain objectives. Information and communication Relevant information is identified, taken, and communicated in a form and now the people are given timeframe that enable them to carry out their responsibilities. Information gathered are generated as data. That information will provide the management the risk that they need to resolved and making informed decisions relative to objectives. Effective communication also have an important role in risk management, it is one of the important factors in a company. All workers must get a clear message from the management that enterprise risk management responsibilities must be taken seriously. They should understand their own role in enterprise risk management, as well as how they will relate the activities to their work and to the work of others. They must have a means of communicating significant information upstream. There is also effective communication with external parties, for example customers, suppliers, regulators, and shareholders. Monitoring Enterprise risk management is monitoring and assessing the presence and functioning of its mechanisms over time. This is being done through ongoing monitoring activities. The management do evaluation to monitor the performance of the people. Through evaluation they will know if the people in the company are implementing the objectives and no risk management will happen. Ongoing monitoring occurs in the normal course of management activities. The opportunity and occurrence of separate evaluations will depend mainly on the assessment of risks and the effectiveness of constant monitoring actions. Enterprise risk management deficiencies are reported to top management and the board.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Modern Man In Search Of A Soul by C.G. Jung Essay -- Modern Man Search
Modern Man In Search Of A Soul by C.G. Jung In his book, Modern Man In Search Of A Soul, C.G. Jung gives a layperson insight into his ideas on dream analysis. Jung's primary objective in this book is to educate the reader as to what a psychoanalyst does when analyzing a patient's dreams. The principal message in the section of the book centered on dream analysis is that dreams should never stand alone. Dreams are meaningless in a vacuum, but on the other hand when put against a strict set of rules, they are oftentimes misunderstood. The unconscious is a fluid entity and cannot be handled either in isolation or with a static set of guidelines. Dreams are reflections of the unconscious and can represent many different things inside of a person. Modern Man In Search Of A Soul describes the techniques of dream analysis that a psychoanalyst following Jung's ideas would ideally follow. In the time when Modern Man In Search Of A Soul was written, 1931, many psychiatrists did not believe in the unconscious. Jung says that the unconscious exists and that without it dreams would be "merely a freak of nature". Without the unconscious the dream would simply be a group of memory fragments assembled in a strange order. With the unconscious dreams represent a window into the inner thoughts which are causally related to neuroses and are therefore important in a patients treatment. Apart from the therapeutic implications of this hypothesis, it can lead to scientific insight into psychic causality. Therapists who are interested in the scientific aspects of dream analysis will find that their scientific understandings are therapeutic and will most likely share them to gain insight on the present neurosis. During the course of an analysis, which may last many months, dreams often become deluded and make less sense. This is because a relationship will develop and the analyst's interpretations are clouded by their previous judgements of the person. This does not allow for any change in the patient's inevitable movement from their initial state to their cured state. If dreams remain clear and understandable throughout an analysis, then the therapist has yet to touch on an important aspect of the patient's neurosis. Serving to influence the interpretations of dreams is very commonly the type of relationship between therapist and patient. Jung gives an example of t... interpreted, meant that in three days he would be released and pardoned by the Pharaoh. Subsequently he would be restored to his post as cupbearer. Joseph saw this dream in the conscious context and could manipulate it in a fluid manner. He saw that wine and its production was the primary force in this man's life. Thus the three branches were what would grow in three days, signifying a release in three days. Using the fruit of the release, he would create wine for the Pharaoh. This meant that with his release he would once again hold the Pharaoh's cup and be restored to his position. This fits with Jung's model for interpretation. The baker's dream, as interpreted by Joseph, lead to a very different end. The dream meant that in three days the Pharaoh would behead the baker and put his head on a pole for the birds to eat. Following Jung's theory, the three baskets were what could be made for the Pharaoh in three days. The baking was the life of the baker, and thus having the birds eat his baking was, through the interpretation on the archetypal bird, was the ending of his life. The exactness of Joseph's interpretations were due mainly to the mystical nature of the Bible.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Essay --
In recent years, light olefins are used as building blocks for a large variety of chemicals and petrochemicals products that are produced from crude oil. Light olefins are in a class of hydrocarbons with a single double bond and a chemical formula of CnH2n. Ethylene and Propylene are the most important olefins which form the backbone of the petrochemicals market. However, ethylene and propylene have no end use. The highly reactive double bond of the ethylene and propylene makes the molecule ideal for conversion to many useful product such as polymers (eg. polypropylene, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride), synthetic rubber and fuel components. Currently, most olefins are produced via thermal cracking of naphtha or other light fractions of petroleum with steam, which is often referred to as steam cracking. During the process, the hydrocarbon feedstock which usually of fossil origin, is cracked into smaller molecules. The process is innovative olefin technologies in terms of energy efficiency. The resulting product mix from the cracking process which varies depending on the process c...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Comparison of W.K Clifford and William James’s Arguments
Clifford and James Summaries of W. K. Clifford and William James’s arguments for belief | In this paper, I hope to effectively summarize W. K Clifford’s (1879) argument on the ethics of belief, followed by a summary of William James’ (1897) argument on the right to believe, and finally, provide an argument for why W. K Clifford’s (1879) argument is stronger by highlighting its strengths while simultaneously arguing against William James’ (1897) argument. According to Clifford (1879), there is an ethics to belief that makes it always wrong for anyone to believe anything on insufficient evidence.Clifford (1879) begins his paper by providing an illustrative analogy – one where a ship-owner is preparing to send to sea a ship filled with innocent men, women, and children. Prior to its departure, doubts had been brought to his attention regarding its condition and the possibility of a failure to complete the voyage. The ship-owner, now in a dilemma , successfully convinces himself that because the ship had weathered so many storms and successfully completed so many voyages, it was fit to believe that the ship was fit to sail.He acquired a sincere belief that the ship would successfully complete the voyage despite its apparent faults. Eventually, the ship sank. Clifford (1879) argues that the ship-owner is responsible for the death of those innocent men and women – not only did the ship-owner ignore the doubts regarding the ship’s capabilities, but he acquired a false belief by simply stifling his doubts. Yes, he felt sure about the ship’s capabilities; but, he only acquired such a conviction by allowing himself to believe it, and not based on sufficient evidence.Clifford (1879) also argues that in the event the ship had not sank and had completed the voyage, the ship-owner â€Å"would not have been innocent, he would only have been not found out. †(498) In essence, Clifford (1879) argues that the o utcome has no effect since the origin of his belief was flawed and based on whims rather than evidence. In another analogy where a group of men are accused for manipulating children, Clifford (1879) argues that those who accused the innocence of the men based on self-propagated beliefs are not â€Å"honourable men,†(499) regardless of whether the accused were guilty.He illustrated the ideology that no accusation can be made unless there is sufficient evidence to supplement it; if sufficient evidence cannot be found, then the individual loses the right to believe that certain belief, as he will harm himself and humanity. Clifford (1879) argues it is right and necessary to examine evidence on both sides of any belief with patience and care. Right, because when a man is so consumed by a belief so as to not entertain other grounds, he can still choose the action stemming from that belief – thus, he has a duty to investigate â€Å"on the ground of the strength of his conv ictions. (499) And necessary, because those who become consumed by their self-sponsored beliefs must have a rule to deal with actions stemming from those beliefs. Clifford (1879) argues no one belief is isolated from the action that follows, and no belief is ever truly insignificant. No individual can judge the validity of his beliefs in an unbiased manner; thus, the actions following beliefs, regardless of being true or false, can have strong implications on our future if not corrected now. Clifford (1879) argues it is essential to continuously judge our beliefs and validate them based on sufficient evidence.Finally, Clifford (1879) argues our beliefs are not personal property; rather, â€Å"our words, our phrases and processes and modes of thought are common property. Belief†¦ is ours not for ourselves, but for humanity. †(500) Because our actions – which stem from our beliefs – affect those around us, Clifford (1879) deems it a universal duty to constan tly doubt our closely held beliefs. Although â€Å"we naturally do not like to find that we are really ignorant and powerless,†(500) Clifford argues it would be a crime and a sin on humanity to acquire a sense of power when the belief has not been sufficiently investigated and earned.Clifford (1879) is a strong proponent of proof-based beliefs and of the continuous criticism of beliefs held backed by loose evidence. In order to advance as a fair and just society, our beliefs must be evaluated and supported by evidence which is fair and just, and not by apparent truisms which satisfy our personal power struggles, insecurities, and lack of interest. William James (1897), on the other hand, attempts to define the permissible cases in which it is intellectually respectable to believe without sufficient evidence.James (1897) begins by providing three criterion for judging beliefs: either beliefs are 1) living or dead; 2) forced or avoidable; or 3) momentous or trivial. A live hyp othesis is one where the hypothesis appeals to the existing beliefs of the individual; a forced hypothesis is one where one must choose between alternatives, and cannot proceed without doing so; and finally, a momentous hypothesis is one where there is a lot at stake and/or when the decision is irreversible. James(1897) argues that certain actions and convictions need pre-existing beliefs which do not require sufficient evidence.He uses Pascal’s Wager as an example – James (1897) argues Pascal’s Wager may force individuals in choosing to either believe in God or not, regardless of there being sufficient evidence to prove the existence of the former or latter. However, James (1897) argues that different propositions hold varying meanings and importance to different individuals; it is individuals’ pre-existing beliefs which form future beliefs once further information is received. James (1897) acknowledges the fact that many beliefs are pre-supposed and wit hout sufficient evidence.To challenge Clifford (1879), he says â€Å"our belief in truth itself†¦ that there is a truth†¦ what is it but a passionate affirmation of desire,†(505) effectively questioning Clifford’s (1879) double-standard; if Clifford (1879) requires sufficient evidence for beliefs, where is the sufficient evidence to support the belief of truth held by scientists and philosophers alike? Then, James (1897) extends the argument to say we want to have a truth – it is our will which pushes us to believe in a truth and â€Å"puts us in a continually better and better position towards it. (505) In discussing telepathy, James claims scientists do not want to consider the evidence for telepathy because â€Å"they think†¦ that even if such a thing were true, scientists ought to band together to keep it suppressed†¦ It would undo the uniformity of Nature and all sorts of other things without which scientists cannot carry on their pur suits. †(505) James argues that â€Å"[the] very law which the logicians impose upon us†¦ is based on nothing but their own natural wish to exclude all elements for which they†¦ an find no use. †(506) Thus, James effectively argues that even the scientists’ passionate convictions and prejudices form their beliefs, as we see in the case of telepathic research. Finally, in this section, James (1897) argues such behaviour re-inforces Pascal’s Wager – a pre-existing belief can generate further beliefs, and that logic alone is not enough. Then, James (1897) takes two approaches in looking at the â€Å"duties†in matters of opinion – that we must know the truth, and we must avoid error.James (1897) argues it is impractical and unrealistic to know the truth while simultaneously avoiding error; â€Å"it hardly ever happens that by merely disbelieving B we necessarily believe A. We may in escaping B fall into believing other falseh oods, C or D, just as bad as B,†(506) says James (1897). Then, James (1897) argues that the risk of being wrong or in error is trivial compared to the possibility of stumbling upon real knowledge and of â€Å"indefinitely guessing true. †(506) In his opinion, it is better to continue to guess or hope for the truth than to continuously deny certain beliefs until sufficient evidence surfaces.He believes it is better to be light-hearted in the regard of accepting certain beliefs than to constantly question and doubt. James (1897) argues that in most matters, the decision to choose between various options is not so momentous and urgent that a false belief to act on is better than no belief at all. He says â€Å"seldom is there any such a hurry†¦ that the risks of being duped by believed a premature theory need be faced. †(507) James (1897) then goes on to state that modern science’s â€Å"nervousness†and yearning to technically verifying the tr uth may â€Å"cease her to care for truth by itself at all. (507) In extending this argument, he states that although technical evidence is strong and important, human passions are stronger. He then poses his final question – that of weighing the perils and benefits of waiting with â€Å"impunity†until the sufficient evidence is found. In essence, he asks if there are forced options in man’s already speculative questions, and whether it is wise to continue to wait until â€Å"sufficient†evidence arrives. In leading up to his conclusion, James (1897) argues that the desire for a certain truth can help bring about its existence; so, desire or the will to discover a fact can help create the fact.He infers this to mean that the beliefs conjured and held by our passionate minds may prove to be instrumental in providing the sufficient evidence to justify those beliefs. In conclusion, James (1897) argues that because religion is forced and momentous, we canno t remain skeptical and continue to wait, as we will lose the good provided by religion if we continue to wait in the same fashion that we choose to disbelieve in the first place – James (1897) argues that it is better to risk the chance of error than the loss of truth.Finally, James (1897) argues that to believe in religion or God with the notion of being right is the prerogative of the individual and is undertaken at his own risk – if the individual wishes to put himself in the best position possible to enjoy the fruits of the after-life, then society and/or science’s imposed rules and laws of requiring â€Å"sufficient evidence†for the verification of that God or religion is unjustified. It is the individual’s personal decision and he alone assumes the risk – as such, his right must be respected.James argues that individuals have a right to believe without sufficient evidence so long as the belief is live, momentous and is forced. He argu es that it is impractical to continue to wait for sufficient evidence to surface while the chance to believe gradually dissipates. Now that I have summarized Clifford (1879) and James’s (1897) articles, I would like to elaborate further as to why Clifford’s (1879) argument is stronger than James’s (1897) in the area of religious belief.In his article, James (1897) made a number of references to the apparently frivolous actions of scientists and their narcissistic habits of â€Å"waiting†for sufficient evidence. However, his rendition of live hypotheses still does not give sufficient reason to believe in a certain belief without first establishing a basis for its verification. First, in any experiment, â€Å"sufficient evidence†is to be based on objective proof which can reasonably prove that the latter cannot hold truer than the former. However, when beliefs are formed based on passion and human emotion, how can one achieve any objectivity?How ca n there be fair grounds for comparison? How can one individual, who, in his own right, is passionately convinced of his belief – based on nothing more than emotion – convince the other that his belief is superior when the other individual believes on the same token? Second, James (1897) continually criticizes scientists for their ways and states science’s search for â€Å"technical verification†is a shun for the truth; however, would modern science have discovered the cure of diseases and made significant inroads in the field of medical research had it stuck with one belief and not explored other avenues of growth?Is it, then, morally right to continue to hold certain medical hypotheses valid while simultaneously rejecting other possibilities when such an act could concern the lives of millions? Should there not be room for a reasonable amount of doubt and criticisms within one’s beliefs to continually improve, rather than degrade, as James (1897) suggests? Yes, James suggests that evidence should be required when the matter at hand is a significant one – but who can be a fair judge on the magnanimity of such a topic?Thus, although it may be tedious and inconvenient to continually question and doubt one’s basis for belief, it is necessary and categorically the right thing to do. We owe it to ourselves and to mankind to be honest with one another, and not believe just to satiate our personal thirst for power. Finally, James (1897) asks that those who believe – regardless of whether they have evidence or not – must be left alone and have the right to â€Å"live and let live. †I vehemently disagree.As Clifford (1879) suggested, beliefs turn into actions, and by the time we realize the action undertaken was an immoral one, it is usually too late. We are all connected – any thoughts in my mind, or yours, can affect others in an infinite number of ways. As James (1897) stated, most everyd ay beliefs will not affect others drastically; however, there is a fraction of beliefs which can turn actions affecting many people or any one person in profound ways, either negatively or positively.In such a scenario, do we want to leave open the possibility of unfounded beliefs adversely affecting some person’s life? Do we want to run the risk of hurting a loved one and/or our reputations because we were too lazy or did not find the issue momentous or live enough to gather sufficient evidence for a belief? Thus, although Clifford’s (1879) proposition may seem, again, tedious or time-consuming, it is the only way of ensuring we close the cracks and do our best to ensure a fair society.After all, in the presumption of innocence, our legal system works in a similar way – the legal system ensures every accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty, regardless the magnitude of the verdict, because it knows the implications of sending an innocent man to prison. Thus, every belief by the prosecution and defence must be backed by sufficient evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. After analyzing the summaries of the respective philosophers – W. K.Clifford (1879) and William James (1897) – I hope it has become evident that sufficient evidence to support beliefs is not only right and necessary for us, but for humanity as a whole. As a society, we cannot shun substantive, technical evidence because we are satisfied with our pre-existing beliefs. To advance as a society, it is our universal duty to continually question our beliefs and search for sufficient evidence in forming our new beliefs. References Pojman, Louis, & Rea, Michael. (2012). Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology. Boston: Clark Baxter.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Narratives in Conversation
Narratives in Conversation By Agatha Xaris Villa INTRODUCTION This essay focuses on the study of the narrative most prevalent in everyday conversations – the conversational narrative. First, it discusses a definition of the narrative from a structural level based on the structure of conversational narrative presented by William Labov (1972). Next, it enumerates some of the important functions which the narrative is able to achieve both on a personal level and also on the interpersonal. Lastly, it ventures to explore the notion of the narrative based on its context – language and society, culture.NARRATIVES: A STRUCTURAL PERSPECTIVE In the 1960s and 1970s, William Labov developed what is now commonly believed to be the general structure of a narrative. His research involved ‘a focus on spontaneous recounting of experience’ and the capturing of vernacular, unmonitored speech. He interviewed African American youths in South Harlem and asked them whether they h ad ever encountered a life-endangering experience. He found that the stories which ensued from these interviews ‘reduced the effects of observation to a minimum’ (Labov, 2001) and referred to them as oral narratives of personal experience.Through his study, Labov noted some very important structural characteristics of oral narratives. First, he observed that the events featured in narratives often appeared in the order in which they actually happened. According to his definition, the narrative was a way of retelling (i. e. narrating) the action sequence of an event that had already happened. Therefore, parts of conversation considered to be ‘narrative’ was limited to the discursive data contributing to the recounting of the turn of events.All other parts which were not directly related to the story served the purpose of backing up the story. He claimed that these oral narratives usually had a basic structure composed of any of the following six basic parts: (1) Abstract, (2) Orientation, (3) Complicating action, (4) Evaluation, (5) Resolution and (6) Coda. Using a transcript of ‘Sample Stories – Stories about mothers’ (CD-ROM 1, Band 6)(Appendix 1. 1), we may illustrate these elements as they occur in actual oral narratives. The data presented has two speakers: a female interviewer (A) and a male interviewee (B).The transcript also features two accounts: the first is with regards to (B)’s early memories of his mother who was training as an educational psychologist and the second of which occurred sometime during his adolescence. By definition, an abstract is a synopsis of what the story is about. Looking at the transcript of ‘Stories about mothers’, it is useful to note that the first story offered by (B) seems to lack an abstract. This, however, is understandable as his story was elicited by (A)’s question regarding childhood memories of his mother. Therefore, the interviewer provided th e abstract prior to the beginning of the narrative.In the second story, the abstract is located in line 21-22 wherein (B) cites when his mother was ‘most sympathetic’ to him – during his ‘adolescent rebellion stage’. Typically, the orientation appears first in the narration and begins by citing the basic details of the story: that is, the ‘who’, the ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘what were they doing’ of the narrative. In our transcript we can detect the beginning of an orientation in lines 5-10 in which (B) recounts when his mother had begun studying educational psychology and some of the tests she carried out on him and his brother.The complicating action effectively answers the question – ‘then, what happened? ’ An example may be found in line 11 where (B) said recalls his mother’s reaction to a ‘slightly alarming’ result of an inkblot test. The complicating action i s the only element which Labov believed to be a pre-requisite to a narrative. On the other hand, evaluation is the only element which does not necessarily happen in sequential order in a story. It may occur in any part of the story, most noticeably at the story’s climax and answers the question – ‘so what? ’.It may come in the form of ‘external evaluation’ (narrator steps in to give an evaluation)(e. g. line 10: referring to the intelligence tests as ‘actually fine’) or ‘internal evaluation’ such as intensifiers (which emphasize on aspects of a story)(e. g. ‘†¦she took it very, very seriously’. ), paralinguistic features (e. g. the use of sound effects, facial expressions and gestures) and the taking on of other people’s voices (Bakhtin, 1981). Evaluation is important to the narrative as it is a way for narrators to emphasize important parts of the story by drawing the attention of his listene rs by adding more information.An obvious paralinguistic feature which we can deduce from the transcript was (B)’s use of tone and pause. At about line 11, he starts using a rather loud and fast-paced voice but the dynamic changes in line 13 before (B) voices out his mother saying ‘Oh I see†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ followed by a pregnant pause for ‘dramatic effect’. It may be argued that tone and the pauses were used evaluatively and therefore is a very good example of how people are able to use language creatively even in everyday conversation. In a narrative, the resolution is what we refer to as the concluding action – what finally happened.For example, in conclusion to the memory of the slight scare regarding the inkblot test, we are told that (B)’s mother reassures him that he needn’t worry because she was ‘just learning’ (line 15-16). The final element, the Coda, tells us how the story is relevant to the storyteller or his audie nce in the present time. A potential coda may be found in line 18 where (B) jokes that he now thinks that the results of his mother’s tests were ‘right’. The Labovian categories regarding the narrative structure has been criticized for ‘constricting’ what can be considered a story but continues to have significant impact on narrative study even today.It persists to be a useful procedure in narrative analysis by providing a succinct set of categories for defining ‘stories’. Furthermore, while it emphasizes on the ‘flow’ relationship between ‘experience, cognition and representation’ – it spends a fair amount of time taking the language into consideration before attempting to make sense of it (Squire, 2008). NARRATIVES: A FUNCTIONAL PERSPECTIVE Rather than identifying narratives according to their structural characteristics, we may also define narratives according to the function they accomplish in relation to the storyteller and his or her audience.In the process of storytelling, the narrator is not only able to recount the happenings of past events but in addition, the resultant narrative is imbued with select aspects of the teller’s identity. Through the narrative, the storyteller tells his audience the ‘kind of person’ he sees himself as. (Toolan, 2006, p. 63). Narrative identity may be projected in the narrator’s use of evaluative language. Sometimes during the course of an oral narrative, the speaker might use different styles (style-shifting) or language varieties (i. . codeswitching) in order to ‘create voices’ for their characters and may serve to help in the transmission of identity and allegiance (Maybin, 1996). In ‘Stories about Mothers’, (B) portrayed himself as an active participant in his mother’s tests. In retrospect, he seems to be telling us that at present, he is rather fond of his childhood memories of his mother (perhaps alluding that he has a good relationship with his mother now) and that he has since grown out of his rebellious teenage stage (he’s ‘mature’ now).Narratives not only serve a personal function but may also serve an important interpersonal purpose. According to the work of Norrick on nuclear families (1997), participation in co-narration (which is common practice in families and others in close relationships) is a way for family members to demonstrate and therefore solidify their position within the family. He believes that family membership may be measured by the contribution that a member is able to provide to the act of shared narration. Through the shared arration of past or recurring events, individuals exhibit shared group identity and allegiance. Norrick also points out that shared narration may also function as a way to demonstrate shared values within families. While an outsider may not have the advantage of having shared experiences with other family members and so be unable to participate in the co-telling of past events, he or she may use his or her own experiences which are similar to those of the family in order, thereby adopting values inherent with the family.In this way, outsiders may gain acceptance as ‘insiders’ of the family. All this is in agreement with Bruner’s suggestion that ‘our sensitivity to narrative provides the major link between our own sense of self and our sense of others in the social world around us’ (1986). NARRATIVES: A CONTEXTUAL PERSPECTIVE In order to gain a full understanding of the narrative, one must take context into serious consideration because stories are constantly under the influence of the narrator’s representation of experience as well as of language, society and culture.While it is a narrator’s prerogative to portray the characters and events of his story in a manner of his choice, the details of the story and the way that it i s told is largely influenced by the storyteller’s personal notions of himself, those around him and events. Stories, whether they are in written or oral form are all representations of the narrator’s experience (Toolan, 2006, p. 68). External and internal evaluations are important tools used by the narrator to be able to represent their experience of people and events through the narrative.In addition, evaluation may also be ‘embedded’ into narratives when narrators directly quote a character (Toolan, 2006, p. 68). In ‘Stories about mothers’, [B] repeatedly gives voice to his mother by quoting some of the things she used to say (e. g. You’ll be fine! ). How experiences are represented all depends on the narrator’s personal constructs. Personal constructs are inner worlds and perceptions that determine the way that we ‘see’ people and events and are largely determined and affected by language, culture and society.The importance of taking the socio-cultural context of a narrative is important especially when we move to decoding the ‘meaning’ behind narratives. In 1975, Grice explained that everyday conversations were being guided by four maxims: the maxims of Quality, Quantity, Relation and Manner (Toolan, 2006, 72). These maxims (inferential norms or so called conversation implicatures) explain how individuals are able to ‘logically’ comprehend meaning in conversation but may be insufficient when trying to explain how stories or jokes are understood.Nair (2002) proposed that in the process of narrative inferencing (i. e. , the way that we figure out what a story means), cultural cooperation between the narrator and the audience is of utmost importance. The implications regarding the importance of impliculture in narrative inferencing is that we are reminded that (1) there are aspects of narratives which are culturally situated and must be interpreted in the context of t he same culture and (2) therefore, only individuals who share the same cultural identity may fully interpret cultural narratives.The relationship between the narrative and culture is further demonstrated by the fact that stories of folklore and native traditions have been passed on from generation to generation in the form of the narrative. In this way, narratives contribute to the preservation and transmission of cultural identity and belonging. CONCLUSION Stories are commonplace in everyday life. In fact, it has been said that conversational English is largely in the form of the narrative (Maybin, 1996) – in laidback conversations with friends and relatives to our more professional interactions with colleagues in the workplace.They can be identified through their structural characteristics, the personal and interpersonal functions they serve in everyday social life and are both the result and inferred from the socio-cultural context and yet, the oral narrative remains a nat ural part of human life from the cradle to the grave – from the silly bed time stories we are told in childhood, to the epitaphs told in ‘our memory’ at our lives end. REFERENCES Bakhtin, M. M. (1981). The Dialogic Imagination. Austin. State University of Texas Press. Bruner, J. 1986). Actual Minds, Possible Worlds. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press. Grice, H. P. (1975). Logic and conversation. In Cole, P. and Morgan, J. (eds) Syntax and Semantics. 3: Speech Acts. New York: Academic Press. Labov, W. (1972). Language in the Inner City. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press. Labov, W. (2001). The Social Stratification of English in New York City. 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Maybin, J. (1996)(Ed). Chapter 1 ‘Everyday Talk’. In Maybin, J. and Mercer, N. eds) Using English from conversation to canon. Routledge/The Open University. pg. 21-27 Nair, R. B. (2002). Narrative Gravity. Chapter 5 ‘Rationality and rel evance’. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Norrick, N. R. (1997). Language in Society, 26(2). pg. 199-220. Squire, C. (2008). Reading Narratives. http://www. uel. ac. uk/cnr/documents/CNRWIPJune04Squire. doc (accessed: July 2008) Toolan, M. (2006). Chapter 2 ‘Telling Stories’. In Maybin, J. and Swann, J. (eds) The art of English: everyday creativity. The Open University. pg. 54-76
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Information Technology in India Essay
India is one of the great standup country in the field of science and technology. every year india produces more than 500 thousands engineers. No doubt it is a bulk producers of scientists and technologists. Information Technology remain the backbone of the economical growth of India. and you can see it from the observed facts of exports. The share of IT in exports has increased by 17% from 1990 to 2001. IT based sectors such as Backoffice, remote maintainence, accounting, public service, medical, insurence and other bulk processiong fields are rapidly expending. Indian companies such as HCL, WIPRO, INFOSYS, TCS are today’s tough competitors for the other IT organizations. History of Information Technology in India The setup of IT in India was done by the Tata group in association with the Burroughs at Mumbai in 1967. The first software export zone SEEPZ was setup in 1973 this was what we can call the old avatar of the IT parks. at that time 80% of india’s software were exported from there. The indian government baughtEVSEM computers from soviat unions in 1968 which was used in big organizations only for the technological and scientific researchs. After the freedom of india in aug 1947 it was an economically beleaguered country. but due to the efforts of PM late. sir Jawaharlal Nehru india very repidly become a wide scientific work-field, such big that it was ranked 3rd after the USA and Soviat Unions. But due to the production of more engineers then country can consume the number of emigrants increased and this supported forigen countries to get a large step ahead from india. The most of the helping hands in the US’s scientific and technological improvement was Indian, in association with the california’s silicon valley. During this time the creation of new organization was in progress. with enhancement of IT in india some well known groups stood-up some of the names are, National Informatic Center, Tata infotech, Patni Computers, Wipro, Infosys etc. In 1991 Department of electronic created a corporation called Software Technology Parks of India which are owned by govt. of India. They provide VSAT communication. and after 1993 Govt. allowed pvt. companies to own dedicated links. VSNL was first to introduce Gateway E-Mail service with the 64kbps leased line service. It was the ministry of Atal Bihari Vajpai who significantly improved the IT in india by placing development of IT in the five major priorities and form National Task Force on IT and software development. and within 90 days of the creation of NTF the suggested 108 recommendation for IT sector. And new telecommunication policy IT Act 2000 was created for legal procedures of electronic transaction and e-commerce. Present Day Situation The present day situation of IT is a bit down due to the recession occurred in the market some year back but India is recovering very soon and IT sector id again on its running speed toward the progress. In the 2010 the economical revenue from the outsourcing operation of IT industry was US$ 54.33 billion which is greater then the other Asian country. and this revenue is expected to be raised up-to US$ 255billion in this decade. the major hub in IT in India is Bangalore which is also called silicon valley of India. beside this other emergind hubs are Delhi(NCR), Hydrabad, Chenni, Pune, Mumbai etc. The IT services has grown by 2.4 % in 2010 and is expected to grown at the rate of 4.2 % in 2011. according to the report of IDC in march 2010 india’s data center services had a revenue estimated upto US$1.39 billion. TRAI reported that country has more than 10 million broadband subscriber and these numbers will change into 100 millions by the 2014. and the market of PC in india has grown at the rate of 27% in the past year and of Notebook computers has grown with a rate of 52 % which is surprisingly a huge ratio as compared to other countries. India is seen as a business environment and is growing like pollution in the environment(i didn’t got other example of rapid growth rate). IT services and solution providers Patni computers has signed a deal of 32 million US$ with the a UK- based IT service provider. Firstsource solution has a deal with Barclaycard. vertex (CMO) has announced a joint venture with shell transource to address the domestic BPO. The market of the networking equipment in india is estimated to grow at a rate of 15 % till 2012as per reported in dec.2010. the net investment in the software and hardware market is of US$ 10,406 million according to department of industrial policy and promotion. An IT company EMC corp. will touch the investment of US$ 2 billion by 2014. A russian IT security company plans to invest 2 billion us$ in hydrabad in coming financial year. Still the Indian IT industry has no dead end in its way ahead. I wish for the continuous progress of IT in India. Note : the above discussed article is written on the basis of research on the various web resuorces. though I had tried to provide best, still there is no lack of knowledge on Internet for the subject of the same.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Inferiority Complex
Inferiority Complex â€Å"I do not know anything; I have got nothing to show the world; I do not have any worth. †These are the common thoughts of a person with inferiority complex. The study of this condition was first pioneered by Alfred Adler. Inferiority complex is characterized as a feeling that one is lesser than others in some way. People with this illness do not feel good about their selves or refuse to listen to anything positive about them. It is not just the usual feeling of inferiority that people sometimes have. It is a much higher condition which can result to a person’s withdrawal from social contacts. This abnormal state can be caused by parental attitudes and upbringing, physical defects, mental limitations, social disadvantages and discriminations. Parental attitudes and upbringing refers to the parents’ behavior during one’s childhood that usually results to unfavorable outcome to a child’s personality. Such behaviors like emphasizing the mistakes and shortcomings of the child and the approval of negative remarks, instead of encouraging them to do better next time can be the cause. Physical defects may also cause a person to feel inferior from others, especially when his appearance makes him feel or think that he is deprived. Mental limitations, social disadvantages and discrimination also are other factors that can promote inferiority complex for these also induce fear. It is usually the fear of competitions because one’s weaknesses can be exposed in such things. There are some possible solutions to this problem. First is enhancing one’s strength. By enhancing the strengths of a person, he can have a higher self esteem. His goals in life can be achieved only if he has confidence with himself. Next, a can camouflage his weaknesses. If he can not convert his weakness into his strength, he can always find things in which he is good at. Through this, attention will be focused on the good things he has, rather on his disabilities. Lastly, one can consult a psychiatrist. The fact that it is their expertise means they can contribute so much in the process of surpassing the condition. Though inferiority complex may be hard to conquer, one must not think that he is at the end of the cliff. Probably, the best thing to do is to consult a psychiatrist. Not only he will be guided along the way; he will also be assured of positive results through both of their efforts. Help is always available, but of course one must have the courage. If one will not help himself, overcoming this problem will be too difficult. So, if you or anybody you know has this condition, find or seek help. A consultation to a psychiatrist would not hurt. In fact, it is definitely a big help.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Juvenile Justice Policy Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Juvenile Justice Policy - Research Paper Example The juvenile system deals with youth who have broken the law and are at risk of turning into a problematic issue for the justice system in the future. Unlike the established judicial system that has been designed to punish and rehabilitate wrongdoers within the society, the juvenile system mainly focuses on the aspect of rehabilitation rather than punishment for the mistakes of those who have been committed to the system (Barbaree & Marshall, 2008). The idea behind this is that those who are still in the youthful stages of their lives have a higher chance of correcting their ways and becoming assets to their communities, and this is what the system has been made to help them achieve. The juvenile system aims at trying to redirect young delinquents back to the right path before it is too late. There are several policies that have been setup as a result with a view to achieving this aim and one of these was focused on the Native American population and their education. This policy focu sed on finding Native American youth who were not receiving the required level of care and attention with regard to issues such as the development of their education and stepping into the parental roles to provide these needs (Woolard & Scott, 2009). At one time, the policy functioned by identifying these youthful individuals and removing them from their homes when deemed necessary and placing them in residential schools. This policy emerged after it was discovered that many Native Americans did hold much weight in the western education system and thus did not insist on their children acquiring this education from the school systems that were at their disposal (Bartol & Bartol, 2009). As a result, a large number of these youth resorted to juvenile crimes that got them in trouble with law enforcement and set precedence for them in terms of their future. It was figured that if this was to continue, many of these youth delinquents would grow up to be serious criminals unless something was to be done about the situation. The system worked with the collaboration of the members of society who would report instances where they felt that their neighbors were neglecting their children and thus intervention was needed. The government would then send an official to investigate the claims, and if the accusations were found to be justified the minor was removed from the home and taken to foster care where they would be enrolled into a residential school that was near the vicinity (Siegel& Welsh, 2011). The children would also be identified according to files that were developed on those who had been found culpable of a number of crimes and thus had a record with the juvenile system. If an individual was a repeat offender then concern would be raised within the department, and an official would be sent to the individual’s home to determine whether their domestic environment was a reason behind their delinquent behavior (Barbaree & Marshall, 2008). These methods of id entification seemed to be successful at the beginning, but as time wore on there were a number of issues that were found with such arrangements. Some of the disadvantages or flaws that were identified within the system included issues such as greed whereby foster parents would attempt
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Community Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Community Resources - Essay Example In the United States alone, various non-profit organizations (NGOs) have come devoted themselves in helping local communities to achieve self-sufficiency, well-being, and develop self-confidence. Luckily, Berks County, Pennsylvania is the home to two different agencies which have the same goal of resolving crisis management, namely: BerksTALKLINE and Opportunity House. With a mission of â€Å"providing free, confidential, nonjudgmental, skilled listening services to individuals, and assistance in assessing their options,†Berks TALKLINE’s hotline is available 12 hours a day, from 11 am to 11 pm, seven days a week. It was establish in order to create a positive impact on the various situations of its callers. By positive impact, this NGO allows each and every individual to be heard, make them feel better about themselves, and eventually help them solve their own problems or conflicts. At times, Talkline is also an alternative referral source to health and human service agencies, as well as schools, for youth and adult callers. Talkline handles a variety of crisis management cases, particularly in the areas of child abuse, drug and alcohol use, physical violence, gangs, self-image and self-esteem problems, loneliness, and social/emotional problems. The organization started way back in 1989, when a consortium of Berks County leaders, from school districts, civic organizations, social service agencies, and even business leaders, found out from a survey conducted with 1,000 students and school personnel that school personnel supported the concept of a local telephone hotline that will serve as an â€Å"effective means to provide children with confidential support and referral.†About 80% of student interviewees also supported that such concept would most likely work. With the help of an extensive two-year research, the aforementioned consortium founded BerksTALKLINE in October 15, 1990. This was seen as a model program for initially providing
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Civil War Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Civil War - Term Paper Example The civil war was also a morality issue. Most stories of the civil war are depicted from the eyes and viewpoint of the whites, either Northern or Southern white people. There are not many books detailing the war from the perspective of the African-American slaves at that time and their roles in the civil war. They had certainly made big contributions to the ultimate victory of the North but these were mostly either not given prominence or just glossed over to a certain extent. The previous kind of master narratives viewed the US civil war as mainly among the white themselves. This paper attempts to explore a narrative within this master narrative. It will detail in the following pages how the issue of slavery took a decisive role in the ultimate victory of the North because of the help from the black slaves who took great risks to choose their freedom. Moreover, this paper will also try to explain and demolish some of the myths surrounding the role of the blacks in the civil war at i ts most crucial moments when the outcome of the war had hung in the balance (no pun intended). Finally, this paper also talks about how slavery in America really indeed, with the wits and guile of an obscure general named Butler. Discussion The US civil war started when eleven Southern states declared their secession from the United States of America and formed the Confederate States of America. The core of the issue was slavery but even the newly-elected Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, did not call for its outright abolition. In fact, he was very careful to tread on this sensitive issue and declared only that slavery should not be allowed to expand into other states. In other words, slavery will remain in those states where slavery already existed. However, Southern whites took umbrage at this declaration which they considered to be a threat to their way of life that was based on slave labor. The larger narrative of the civil war was that Pres. Lincoln did not take direct st eps to abolish slavery precisely to avoid war and preserve the Union. Lincoln gave this reassurance because he knew there will no winners or losers in civil war; there will only be losers on both sides. His phronesis (practical wisdom) and training as a lawyer gave him the ability to weigh several options but all based on constitutionality. But as the South declared hostilities and as the war progressed, his position took a hardline stance as he knew the issue of slavery will rear its ugly head once again if allowed to continue. This issue will never rest until it is extinguished completely and one sure way to do that was win the war decisively. His ultimate objective was to preserve the Union at all costs but somehow later down the road, also find justification for abolishing slavery through legal means. Pres. Lincoln was in a serious quandary as the US Constitution had guaranteed rights to slavery for those states who wanted it (McPherson, 1996, p. 100). He was also personally aga inst slavery and abhorred its practices and evil inhumanity to fellow human beings but he could not just prosecute the war to its bitter end and present it as a war against slavery. There has to be some other solution and it came from a newly-appointed general named Benjamin Franklin Butler; he was a lawyer by profession and given the rank of major general. The narrative –
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